IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #585:
Your Growth Threshold: Busting Through to Get Huge
Q: Your X-Training Blog always motivates me and gives me training ideas. Thanks. I saw in a recent entry "R/P" and "X/P" after an exercise. Is that something you add to a 4X-training sequence? Can they help me get bigger faster?
A: Those two variations are excellent intensity tactics to force new and significant muscle growth. Change to gain. And yes, R/P and X/P are added to the last set of a 3X- or 4X-training sequence…
For those not familiar with a 4X mass-training sequence, you take a weight with which you can get 15 reps, but you only do 10; rest 30 to 40 seconds, then do 10 more–and so on until you complete four sets. You go all out on the last set, and if you get 10, you add weight to that exercise at your next workout. You can also extend that last set with more growth reps using R/P and X/P…
R/P is Rest/Pause. When you reach exhaustion on your last set, put the weight down and count to 10–then pick up the weight and crank out as many FULL-RANGE reps as you can. Do the R/P thing once, twice or three times, depending on your pain tolerance and recovery ability.
X/P is X/Pause. It’s similar to R/P, but after you rest 10 seconds, you pick up the weight and only do X-REP PARTIALS–not full-range reps. For example, on Smith-machine inclines, you rest 10 seconds, unrack the weight, lower it to about an inch off your chest and then fire out 10-inch partials in the low range. Each X-Rep partial pulses from one inch off your chest up to just below the halfway mark.
Which is better? Well, they’re both great ways to blast through your GROWTH THRESHOLD. However, as we mention in all of our X-Rep e-books, the X range is where the target muscle can generate the most force–and therefore activate the most growth fibers. X-Reps, where the target muscle is semi-stretched, also allow for better continuous tension on the target muscle, so X/P may have an edge over R/P…
In fact, Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler does entire work sets in the X range only. For those standalone X-Only sets he does no fewer than 12 reps so he gets plenty of growth promoting tension time. That tactic has worked incredibly well for him. It’s one more variation you can use to get huge.
Try Rest/Pause or X/Pause after your last set in a 3X or 4X sequence. Take your pick to get big quick.
Note: There’s an entire chapter on Jay Cutler’s X-O workouts in the X-Rep Update #1 e-book, plus discussion on Double-X Overload, 1 1/4s and static contraction. For more on Rest/Pause and X/Pause, along with many other X-hybrid mass tactics, check out the Beyond X-Rep Muscle Building e-book. It also includes an analysis of Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman’s incredible workouts. Both of those e-books are now at new low prices at the X-Shop.
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
–Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
LIMITED-TIME $19.99 BEST-SELLERS: We’re offering each of these at their lowest price ever to get you big and ripped by spring. Click on the title you’re interested in for more info…
1) The 4X Mass Workout–fast, simplified supersaturation training for X-treme size
2) The X-traordinary X-Rep Workout–the latest update to our original X e-book
3) The X-centric Mass Workout–the negative-accentuated training manual
4) The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout–total body transformation training
5) X-traordinary Muscle-Building Workouts–10 complete mass programs
6) X-traordinary Arms–includes the 3D HIT workout system with big-arms routines
7) 3D Muscle Building–the original Positions-of-Flexion mass-training manual
8) X-treme LeanFat-Burning and Nutrition Guide (with training too)
9) The Ultimate Power-Density Mass Workout
10) The X-traordinary Size Surge Workout
11) The Ultimate 10×10 Mass Workout
12) Erick Broser’s FD/FS Mass-Shock Workout
Latest release: The 4X Mass WorkoutFast Simplified Supersaturation Training for X-treme Muscle Size. It’s how many pro bodybuilders get big AND ripped as fast as possible for contests and photo shoots. You can use it for a blast of new mass in only a few weeks–and the workouts are quick. Guaranteed or your money back. Limited-time discount offer HERE.
X-SHOP: Find our original X-Rep e-book, as well as X Updates and Positions-of-Flexion mass-training guides…
X-WORKOUTS: Find specialized e-workout programs, including Power-Density, 10×10 and Eric Broser’s Power/Rep Range/Shock….
NEW: The X-traordinary SIZE SURGE Workout, Jonathan Lawson’s legendary two-phase mass program that packed 20 pounds of muscle on his frame in only 10 weeks. See all the changes he made to the original workouts, transcribed from his training journal. In printable templates so you can duplicate his incredible gains. You also get his eat-to-grow diet and streamlined no-frills supplement schedule, anabolic acceleration methods and loads of tips and tricks. Plus, an interview with a top-level bodybuilder who trains Size Surge style for incredible growth.
Newbies: If you’re a beginning bodybuilder, coming back from a layoff or a trainer who trains beginners, our new e-book, Quick-Start Muscle-Building Guide, is for you.
To follow the ITRC training program in “Train, Eat, Grow,” get a copy of the latest issue of IRON MAN.
This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team
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