Subject: IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #350: Arnold’s Combo-to-Grow Mass Workouts–Plus, Supplement Science
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Arnold’s Combo-to-Grow Mass Workouts–Plus, Supplement Science
Q: You mentioned how using a couple of heavy all-out sets followed by 4×10 in 10×10 style builds muscle with max force as well as tension and occlusion. Does that mean the combo method is better than straight-up 10×10? Should I use that [heavy-plus-4×10 method] instead of 10×10 on the Ultimate Exercises in program 1 in The Ultimate 10×10 Mass Workout e-book?
A: Before we answer, let’s clarify the combo method. First you do two progressively heavier warmup sets; then you attack two heavy sets to exhaustion, eight to 10 reps each, with 2 1/2 minutes between sets. That allows you to generate maximum force–standard heavy training. After that you reduce to a lighter poundage, one you could do for about 15 reps, and you do four sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds of rest between sets…
So you get max force production on the first heavy sets; then you follow up with tension/occlusion emphasis on the 4×10 sequence. It’s similar to how Arnold used to train his big exercises, pyramiding up over a few sets, with the last two being heavy all-out efforts; then he would reduce the weight for two lighter burnout sets. And it works…
It’s a double-barreled mass-building effect targeted at the important compound, or midrange, exercise. You’ll feel it working–in a different way than 10×10. Is it better than 10×10? Not necessarily…
As we reported, when we moved to more of a pure 10×10 routine for the big exercises, we each gained eight pounds of muscle after about six weeks. One reason for that anabolic convergence is the shift in hypertrophic stress. New exposure to 10×10, with less heavy stress, allowed our bodies to supercompensate from the previous all-heavy max-force training we were doing (straight-set Positions of Flexion).
When we moved to the 10×10 method, we shifted to more of an endurance-component focus. That’s due to the short rests and lighter weights. Sure, the last sets feel extremely heavy, but they aren’t. It’s due to fatigue. Therefore 10×10 requires less force output–but that can be a good thing…
Shifting muscle-building emphasis can ignite a significant size surge, as we experienced. We suggest using pure 10×10 routines, like the first program in The Ultimate 10×10 Mass Workout, for about four weeks. On that progam you train four days per week, hitting each bodypart once every four to six days. You do the Ultimate Exercise in 10×10 style for each bodypart, nothing else. That means your workouts only take 30 to 40 minute.
After that four-week pure-10×10 phase, go back to standard heavy training with 3-way Positions of Flexion infused with X Reps–for example, Phase 2 of Jonathan’s 20-Pounds-of-Muscle-In-10-Weeks program outlined in 3D Muscle Building. (That e-book contains info on POF, X Reps and other key mass methods with many workouts.) You can use the heavy-plus-4×10 method on the big midrange, or compound, exercise for some or all bodyparts. Here’s a POF example for triceps…
Midrange: Close-grip bench presses, 2 x 8-10
Midrange: Close-grip bench presses (10×10 style), 4 x 10
Stretch: Overhead extensions, 2 x 8-10
Contracted: Pushdowns, 1 x 10-15
Remember, with POF you get new max-force emphasis, but you also get unique mass-building stimulation from stretch overload with exercises like dumbbell flyes for pecs, overhead extensions for triceps, etc. One animal study produced a 300 percent muscle mass increase from only using stretch overload for one month, so you can see it’s a very powerful get-bigger trigger.
Shifting mass-building emphasis regularly is one of the best ways to ignite significant muscle size surges. Try 10×10 for four weeks, then shift to heavy-plus-4×10 POF. It’s variation for new mass stimulation that will get you growing.
Q: I follow your training blog, and you always seem to be up on the latest supplement research. Where does all of that nutrition info come from? Do you spend a lot of time looking up studies?
A: If you’ve been around bodybuilding for a while, you know the name Jerry Brainum. He’s our go-to nutrition-science guru who has his thumb onno, make that both hands wrapped aroundthe latest research. One of the best things about Jerry is his down-to-earth ability to translate ivory tower science-speak into understandable English so that just about anyone can grasp the findings, apply them and achieve great results.
But the thing we like most about Brainum is that he has no agendathat is, he’s not beholding to any supplement company, so he tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth based on the latest scientific studies. That type of brutal honesty and integrity is hard to find these days and a true breath of fresh air. It’s the reason we highly recommend his new e-book, Natural Anabolics, Jerry’s straight-shooting look at exactly what builds muscle and burns fat from the vast array of available supplements…
Jerry cuts through all the B.S. You’ll find lots of the things we’ve recommended that have produced results for us thanks to Jerry’s insight–like forskolin, an herb extract that proved itself in one study to burn fat and boost testosterone significantly. Talk about real fat-to-muscle power!
Brainum discusses the key supplements, and after each one he provides a clear-cut applications-and-recommendations section. There he gives you his suggestions on how best to use the nutrient for optimal results…
At the end of the e-book he lays out his Natural Anabolics Supplement Schedule, a template that’s a one-day snapshot with times and amounts for every item he’s discussed. It’s the perfect way to wrap up all of his findings into a printable format you can use to get huge.
Also, in every chapter he’s taken the time to highlight the key points in bold type so that those who want to speed read through the chapters can do so with ease and still grasp the most relevant info.
In a nutshell Natural Anabolics is a complete understandable how-to supplement guide on the stuff that really works–from an expert you can trust. We give it four out of four stars!
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
Note: For more on Jerry Brainum’s new Natural Anabolics–Nutrients, Supplements and Compounds That Can Accelerate Muscle Growth Without Drugs, visit
Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Latest e-book release:
•Eric Broser’s Power/Rep Range/Shock Workout gives you all the everything you need to apply his max-mass system for incredible new gains–including all 12 printable workouts and a big Q&A section.
•The Ultimate 10×10 Mass Workout contains a four-days-per-week, one-ultimate-exercise-per-bodypart program and also a heavy/light version, with heavy POF alternated with a one-exercise 10×10 routine. More details.
•The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout is based on the latest metabolic research so you can get bigger and leaner fast without long, mind-numbing cardio–you’ll burn fat and build muscle 24/7 with customized mass-building weight workouts.
Click on the e-books for more information:
Newbies: If you’re a beginning bodybuilder, coming back from a layoff or a trainer who trains beginners, our new e-book, Quick-Start Muscle-Building Guide, is for you.
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This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team
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