Two common complaints about aging are aching joints and wrinkled skin. There may be hope on both fronts with one natural product: hyaluronic acid. ABC News reported on a Japanese village near Tokyo whose inhabitants often live to 90-plus, stay healthy, rarely have arthritis or heart disease and usually have smooth, supple skin through old age—despite their frequent cigarette smoking and excessive sun exposure. Interesting.
Scientists who have studied the village believe it’s due to a diet that relies heavily on potatoes and other roots. That helps the body generate more hyaluronic acid, which can lubricate the cartilage between joints. According to dermatologist Kenneith Beer, M.D., hyaluronic acid in topical form also helps smooth and hydrate wrinkled skin by drawing water into it for a temporary swelling effect that puffs out fine lines. Look for it in eye creams, lotions and skin serums. Maybe we can say bye-bye to Botox.
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