Well, so much for the rumors that Kai Greene might not even compete at the Arnold Classic, no less not be anywhere near his best. As we all know by now, Greene dazzled his way to the $130,000 first place crown (not to mention a $20,000 Audemars watch) and stuffed another 10K into his wallet by his unamimous selection in the “Most Entertaining Posing Routine” category.
Kai, who swore he was up to 292 when he started his serious contest prep—which means he was 272—insisted to me backstage he was 257 on game day. At 5’8”, that means, of course, he was 245.
No matter. The New York City based physique star not only became the latest member of an elite fraternity to win the Arnold, (after trailing Victor Matinez by four points after prejudging) he has also thrown a monkey wrench into the Mr. Olympia prognosticators who say this season’s battle will be wide open.
Between Dexter Jackson, Jay Cutler, Phil Heath and Victor Martinez, that is. Better add Mr. Greene’s name to that list, for sure. Am sure AMI’s Robin Chang, who produces the “Olympia Weekend”, ain’t shedding any tears over Kai’s dominance in Columbus, Ohio, making the already loaded Olympia line-up even more dynamic.
Because I was emceeing the Arnold Amateur finals at the Expo (more on my crazy, work filled weekend in upcoming blogs), I didn’t get to view the ASC prejudging. I was hearing various versions of how things turned out, though, as I fought my way out of the Expo hall en route to the Doubletree Hotel for some lunch.
Greene tears it up, wins clearly. Martinez all the way back from his knee surgery, and can possibly take it. Branch Warren, also successful from his operation in 2008 (triceps tear) was the hardest man on stage by far and might also grab the crown.
From my viewpoint at the podium at the finals, it looked to me like Greene was the clear winner. Greatly conditioned, with insane quads, hams and glutes, a filthy back and huge, full calves. The rest of his physique wasn’t chopped liver, either.
Already ranking up there with Marvelous Melvin Anthony as one of the industry’s greatest posers, Greene took things to another level on the Veterans Memorial stage in Ohio, doing various types of yoga moves and flips, which focused on his beyond impressive muscularity, and garnering even more respect from your truly—and from the Governator as well.
“That was the most creative posing routine I’ve ever seen”, the big fella told Kai on stage. I saw Melvin in the audience after the contest, but didn’t get a chance to talk to him. Can’t wait his hear Marvelous’ take on Kai’s performance.
Kudos to Martinez on his eventual second place finish; he was about 90 per cent of his best, and definitely proved he’s capable of being at his all-time best at the end of September. Warren was frustrated again, winning the Most Muscular title for the third time, but still not garnering the grand prize.
Toney Freeman, I was told, was flat at the prejuduging, but looked fuller by the time I brought him to the stage and finished in fourth. Silvio Samuel, even more conditioned than he was at the IRON MAN, was a very disappointed fifth, making it an unhappy 34th birthday for Samuel, and reiterated what he told me two weeks earlier—that he is “retiring” after the Australia contest and moving back to Spain.
I haven’t gone with the news yet because I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Silvio has concerns in a couple of areas I can’t get into at this point; I predict it will all be worked out and that his fans will see El Matador doing his thing on the Olympia stage.
Moe El Moussawi, celebrating a new contract with AMI, moves up from 11th to 6th this year, one slot ahead of Dennis James. No offense to either fella, but I had Sergei Shelestov no worse than sixth. The 6-foot, 275-pounder earned the ultimate reward—a moniker from me—when I named him the “Moscow Monster” after seeing that he is easily the winner of my “Most Improved” for the first part of the new season.
Speaking of improved, Johnnie Jackson was vastly superior than his IRON MAN shape, and finished ninth; Ronny Rockel, third at the IM, rounded out the top 10.
Keep checking back, I’m just getting started on the happenings in Columbus.
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