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Alpha Male Advanced Workouts

Do you want to be bigger, stronger and leaner? Would you like to increase your speed, power, stamina and agility? Do you desire to be your best ever? Then read on.

James Villepigue and Rick Collins are the authors of the original Alpha Male Challenge—the ultimate mind-and-body transformation program for men, and as of 2011 they’ve added Eric Broser, creator of the world renowned Power/Rep Range/Shock training system, to Team True Alpha. Together the three industry gurus have combined Alpha Wave training and the P/RR/S method, resulting in a cutting-edge, result-producing, total-body-transforming training regimen.

Alpha Male Advanced Workouts is a scientifically proven, carefully detailed 10-week workout system with everything you need to achieve and keep maximum results for good. It’s the difference between being adequate or extraordinary, average or true alpha.

Here is what you get in the new e-book AMAW:

• 36 carefully crafted workouts—no two are alike. You’ll never get bored and always be challenged.

• Four intense, precisely crafted workouts per week. Every workout is designed to develop strength, size and power without the need for marathon training sessions. The Alpha Wave/PRRS training principles are based on the latest and greatest methods for burning fat, building muscle and improving overall physicality.

• Complete cardio system for getting you ripped. S point-based system burns the fat even when you’re playing.

• Full descriptions and videos of every exercise. The click-and-view video demonstration exercise library shows you exactly what to do.

• Dynamic warmup, complete with written and video instructions so you can avoid injuries and perform at peak in every workout.

• Nutritional advice for optimizing fat loss, muscle gains and more.

Alpha Male Advbanced Workouts is available, along with two free bonuses worth $50, at



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