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Back and arms

Yesterday I was so thankful that Tricia needed to do the chest workout. My forearms and hands were still tired and sore from holding weights in the photo shoots Tuesday and Wednesday. Today they felt fine so I was ready to hit a back workout. Brenda contacted me about possibly working arms with her, so I thought “since I’m a day behind, why not work both back and arms today?” As it turned out, Brenda couldn’t make it, but David Nall e-mailed me about working out. He was due for an arm workout, so after I finished an abbreviated back workout (my lower back and hamstrings were extremely sore so I didn’t deadlift), David and I got a great arm workout. David is preparing for his WNBF Pro debut at the Pro Natural Mid-American and is in tremendous condition. We are going to do some posing practice together on Sunday, too.


Lat Pulldowns 5 sets 8-12 reps

Pullups 3 sets 9, 8, 7 reps

Seated Cable Row 4 sets 8-10 reps

One arm DB Row 4 sets 8-10 reps


Skull Crushers 5 sets 10-12 reps

Pressdowns 4 sets 12-15 reps

Dips 3 sets 30, 30, 21

Standing DB Curls 4 sets 7-10 reps

Barbell Curls 4 sets 7-8 reps

Hammer Curls 4 sets 10 reps

I used some Flex-solate (not sure if I spelled that right) wraps on my Pulldowns and Seated Rows. Mike Neveux photographed me using them in the photo shoot on Wed and I really liked them. It’s much easier to concentrate on your lats and you don’t have to hold onto the bar at all. You can also rotate your wrists during you pull. I highly recommend them!

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