If you train with your partner, this is the best post-workout pre-bedroom shake.
By Amanda Burrill, MS
February is famous for Valentine’s Day, where a romantic dinner gets all the attention, but there are plenty of reasons and ways to make your breakfast or post-workout shake special too. Case in point: This nutrient-rich protein smoothie will boost a lot more than your biceps.
Enter superfoods that double as powerful aphrodisiacs. Share this smoothie with your lover, or just incorporate it into your morning routine, and watch the passion grow right along with your gains.
Among the best ways to feel sexy are to crush hard, then nourish the body. Let’s be honest, the sexier we feel, the more turned on we are about living life. That “joie de vivre” of feeling good in our own skin gives a sexy vibe to the world.
6 oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk
3/4 cup raw or frozen raspberries
1 tablespoon raw cacao powder
1 teaspoon maca powder
1 teaspoon raw honey
1/4 medium sized avocado
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
Combine all ingredients in a blender, beginning with the liquid to avoid sticky protein-powder clumps. Blend until smooth.
Cacao: A universal symbol of love and romance, the world’s most famous aphrodisiac is chocolate. But we don’t have time for that processed, sugar-loaded junk. Cut to the chase by imbibing in the raw form and get all the benefits and none of the belly. Raw cacao increases serotonin and dopamine production, and floods your body with antioxidants. It’s also a stimulant. All that for very few calories.
Maca: I’ve read about ancient Peruvians getting blissed out with cacao and maca, as it’s an intense libido-boosting pairing. Maca, the world’s “sexiest” superfood, is an adaptogen, meaning it helps balance hormones and is believed to increase fertility, sexual desire, immunity, and vitality for both sexes. I’m into it in powder form. Just toss it into any smoothie and watch everything flourish.
Raw Honey: Baby, you want it raw! Honey has been used through the ages as a natural beauty product and immune system booster. When processed honey is heated and filtered, many of its natural nutrients are removed. Raw honey contains 27 minerals, 22 amino acids, and 5,000 live enzymes. It’s rich in B vitamins and has been shown to boost production of both testosterone and estrogen. Just a spoonful a day does the trick because, yes, it’s a bit calorie dense.
Avocado: Just look at the shape of that thing. It’s sexy! While I’d argue that avocadoes have a nice feminine shape, the Aztecs called avocado trees “testicle trees” because of the way they often hang in pairs. All this innuendo aside, the rich, silky, green flesh is high in nutrients and healthy fats, and will keep you feeling invigorated while also delivering more lutein, a protector from eye degeneration, than any other commonly consumed fruit.
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