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  • Popped Antioxidants

    You may not think of popcorn as a health food, but it’s got lots of good stuff in it. According to...

    Becky HolmanNovember 29, 2012
  • Are You Eating Too Much Daily Bread?

    You know that bread is high in carbs. Then there’s the gluten thing—most people have some type of allergic reaction to...

    Becky HolmanNovember 23, 2012
  • Food Facts

    Peas pack a protein punch. One cup of the small green orbs has almost nine grams of protein. Dark-meat chicken isn’t...

    Iron Man MagazineNovember 15, 2012
  • Smart Bark

    Pycnogenol, an antioxidant extract from the bark of French maritime pine trees, can increase cognitive power. According to the March ’12...

    Steve HolmanNovember 11, 2012
  • Is Bread the Staff of Life?

    People often ask me for my “feelings” about eating bread. Those would be concern, doubt and disappointment. Besides the health issues...

    Charles PoliquinNovember 5, 2012
  • Jarring Juice Stat

    According to the June ’12 Bottom Line Health, a study of almost 2,000 people found that those who drank more than...

    Iron Man MagazineNovember 2, 2012
  • Does Vitamin C Promote Longevity?

    You already know that vitamin C is good for your joints and skin because it helps the body form collagen. It’s...

    Becky HolmanOctober 27, 2012
  • Latest Studies on Saturated Fat

    Most bodybuilders eat a lot of meat and eggs for optimal testosterone production and muscle building, but they’re often warned that...

    Steve HolmanOctober 25, 2012
  • Food Facts

    Pears, apples and other white fruits contain the flavonoid quercetin in their skins, according to the March ’12 Prevention. Quercetin protects...

    Becky HolmanOctober 18, 2012
  • HFCS and Kidney Distress

    You’ve heard the bad news about high-fructose corn syrup causing massive weight gain. More negative research: Researchers at Loyola University found...

    Steve HolmanOctober 4, 2012
  • Best Way to Go Nuts

    A handful of nuts is a healthy, muscle-building snack. You get protein, hormone-building fat and vitamins and minerals. Nuts can also pack a...

    Becky HolmanOctober 3, 2012
  • Food Facts

    Carrots and other orange vegetables high in beta-carotene can give the skin a healthy glow over time. According to the May...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 30, 2012
  • Perky Jerky

    Is that preworkout protein drink getting hard to chug down? Or maybe you’re looking for a high-protein midafternoon snack with a...

    Steve HolmanSeptember 16, 2012
  • Food Facts

    Sunflower seeds can build muscle. According to the March ’12 Better Nutrition, a handful, about a quarter cup, contains four grams...

    Becky HolmanAugust 28, 2012
  • Bacterial Benefits

    Probiotics are becoming increasingly popular as a health booster. The main reason is that their good bacteria soothes the savage stomach—but...

    Steve HolmanAugust 13, 2012