Carbs, Exercise and the Fountain of Youth
Cynthia Kenyon, Ph.D., of the University of California at San Francisco, recently conducted a study on genetic triggers of -lifespan. As...
Becky HolmanJanuary 4, 2012 -
Shake the Salt?
According to Dian Griesel, Ph.D., and Tom Griesel in their new book, TurboCharged: Accelerate Your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast...
Becky HolmanDecember 30, 2011 -
Drink Organic
You’ve probably seen organic milk in the grocery store, but is it really better than nonorganic products? According to the July...
Becky HolmanDecember 26, 2011 -
D-stroy Diabetes
Vitamin D has been in the news lately, as most people are deficient. If you don’t get out in the sunshine,...
Becky HolmanDecember 24, 2011 -
Damage Control
Glutathione is often called the master antioxidant. In fact, according to the June ’11 Better Nutrition, it’s the most powerful antioxidant...
Becky HolmanDecember 23, 2011 -
Food Facts
Peppermint tea can help treat irritable bowel syndrome. If you have an upset stomach, try a few cups to ease your...
Becky HolmanDecember 20, 2011 -
E to Stay Healthy
According to the November/December ’10 Well-Being Journal, individuals with high blood counts of vitamin E are “18 percent less likely to...
Becky HolmanDecember 8, 2011 -
New Cold Remedy
Most of us have heard about the heart-healthy benefits of garlic, but new research suggests it boosts immunity and can treat...
Becky HolmanDecember 2, 2011 -
Two Ways to Build More Muscle
If you’ve been around bodybuilding for a while, you know what cortisol is and that it can blunt or even stop...
Steve HolmanNovember 30, 2011 -
Food Facts
Walnuts are tops in the nutty kingdom. They provide almost twice the antioxidants of other common nuts and have been shown...
Becky HolmanNovember 29, 2011 -
Is Fruit Good or Bad?
There has been a lot of negative press about fructose, which is the simple sugar found in honey, fruits and some...
Becky HolmanNovember 3, 2011 -
Good On-the-Road Eats
We’ve all been on road trips, found ourselves hungry and then settling for a burger and fries. Not good. There are...
Becky HolmanOctober 27, 2011 -
Go-Power Pills
There are loads of energy drinks on the market, including those energy “shots” you can get in small bottles. The problem...
Becky HolmanOctober 26, 2011 -
Food Facts
Strawberries can add a just-right sweetness to a vanilla protein shake, and they’re packed with protective antioxidants. Also, ounce for ounce,...
Iron Man MagazineOctober 26, 2011 -
Go Nuts
So you can’t eat enough fish to get your omega-3 quota and you hate swallowing fish oil capsules. It may be...
Becky HolmanSeptember 21, 2011