4-Bys for Size and Shorter Workouts
Q: I’m working long hours these days and don’t have a lot of time to work out. Do you think doing...
Steve HolmanJune 16, 2011 -
Super Shock for a Lagging Lower Body
Q: Do you have a great workout for bringing up my quads and hamstrings? I can front-squat bodyweight and back-squat 50...
Charles PoliquinMay 29, 2011 -
Size-Surging Shockers
Q: I’ve been using your Power/Rep Range/Shock training method for years and have made wonderful overall progress. That said, my shoulders...
Eric BroserMay 27, 2011 -
Beef Up and Chisel Your Chest
Q: I’ve been looking at the new photos from IRON MAN that you posted on your Facebook pages. Your chest is...
Dave GoodinMay 26, 2011 -
Favorite Triceps Exercises
Q: Got any favorite triceps exercises? I’m getting bored with pressdowns and French presses. A: Loaded dips with chains will pack...
Charles PoliquinApril 24, 2011 -
Calf Training Tips
Q: Any tips on calf training? I do calves first in my workouts, which helps, but my progress is slow. A:...
Charles PoliquinApril 17, 2011 -
Dumbbell vs. Barbell Bench Presses
Q: I’ve had shoulder tendinitis in the past but got some good soft-tissue treatment, so now after a long layoff I’m...
Charles PoliquinApril 8, 2011 -
Row to Grow Rear Delts
Aside from legs, which many guys either don’t train at all—crazy but true—or don’t train as hard as the “show muscles”...
Ron HarrisApril 2, 2011 -
Total Triceps Training
Q: I’ve been following your bodybuilding career for years and have always been impressed with your triceps development. Do you have...
Dave GoodinMarch 23, 2011 -
Indirect Split and Best Upper-Chest Hit
Q: The direct/indirect split is awesome! I think my muscles have always needed more hits per week, but I followed the...
Steve HolmanMarch 6, 2011 -
Why Does Bench Pressing Hurt My Shoulder?
Without doubt, the bench press is the most popular weight-training exercise in North America. Anyone who asks, “How much do you...
Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.March 3, 2011 -
Baseball in the Summer
Q: I like to play baseball in the summer and want to protect my shoulders by performing some rotator cuff exercises....
Charles PoliquinFebruary 21, 2011 -
20-rep Breathing Squats
Q: Are 20-rep breathing squats effective for building muscle mass and strength? A: Short answer: Yes. I say that because the...
Charles PoliquinFebruary 17, 2011 -
Pec Deck for Experienced Bodybuilders
Q. I have about 2 1/2 years of bodybuilding experience, and when I first started lifting, I used the pec deck....
Charles PoliquinFebruary 15, 2011 -
One-arm Pushups and Pull-ups
Q: What’s your opinion of one-arm pushups and one-arm pull-ups? As a bodybuilder, should I consider incorporating them into my workouts?...
Charles PoliquinFebruary 12, 2011