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  • Stretch to Etch Muscle Detail

    One problem may be fat in the area. Adipose tissue covering the pecs blurs or negates any detail. You need to...

    Steve HolmanDecember 9, 2008
  • Deflated-Delt Dilemma

    Q: My delts are about as flat as pancakes. Any rapid solution to the problem? A: Wide, round shoulders have been...

    Charles PoliquinNovember 9, 2008
  • To Squat or Not?

    Q: I’m a 54-year-old man and have been training with weights for 25 years. I have trouble with my thighs. I...

    Paul BurkeOctober 14, 2008
  • Big, Bad Chest

    As I always say, the pros who have the most to offer us regular humans are the ones who have managed...

    Ron HarrisOctober 14, 2008
  • Dumbbell Rows for Back Growth

    One of the most popular exercises in serious gyms is the dumbbell row. It’s an easy lift to learn and works...

    Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.September 30, 2008
  • 9-to-5 Sequence for Legs

    It’s a nine-day sequence that uses a three-way split, and you train one day, then rest two before the next workout—so...

    Frank ZaneSeptember 21, 2008
  • Best Moves For Big Bi’s

    In the e-book X-traordinary Arms we explain the in-for-out/out-for-in principle. For biceps it means that to focus on the outer head...

    Steve HolmanSeptember 16, 2008
  • Triceps Training Tips and Myths

    A smarter approach is to look at how body position affects the triceps, specifically the differences produced by performing triceps extensions...

    Charles PoliquinSeptember 15, 2008
  • The Brothers Grimm

    To keep a secure grip, use a well-knurled bar and lifter’s chalk on your hands. Eventually, when you build up to...

    Stuart McRobertSeptember 15, 2008
  • Building the Ultimate Physique: Month 20

    In order to maintain a visible abdominal musculature, it's important to eat a well-balanced diet that contains only enough calories to...

    John LittleAugust 3, 2008
  • Ab-session: Midsection Madness For a More Complete Physique

    The whole process can make you mean and irritable, and that can cause you to give up.

    John HansenAugust 1, 2008
  • Etched-In-Stone Back Mass

    If you look at a complete picture of the back musculature in an anatomy book, you’ll notice that it has many...

    Paul BurkeJuly 24, 2008
  • Chiseled Abs

    Work your abs through a full range of motion; don't neglect the back-arched position-30 degrees to the rear of center-that prestretches...

    Steve HolmanJune 4, 2008
  • Ah’ll-Be-Back Delt Attack

    Clean a pair of heavy dumbbells to your chest. Turn your palms toward each other and then rotate them forward as...

    Arnold SchwarzeneggerApril 29, 2008
  • Curls Gone Wild

    Everyone wants a great set of guns. It's one of the main reasons guys start lifting weights in the first place....

    Greg ZulakApril 13, 2008