DC Power Density for New Muscle Size
With DC, or multirep rest/pause, training your intensity is high, but the rest periods aren’t long enough to clear fatigue by-products...
Steve HolmanApril 4, 2010 -
Squats, Laterals and Assorted Tips and Tricks
I’m sick and tired of seeing every type of exercise discomfort being “solved” by lightening the load. It’s the path of...
PavelMarch 29, 2010 -
Specialize for New Arm Size
If you don’t want to compete, what are you looking to do with your physique? Do you want more size, do...
John HansenMarch 23, 2010 -
Pyramid Power: Secret to Size and Strength
Performing negative-accentuated sets—lifting in one second and lowering in six—creates microtrauma, which sets off a fat-to-muscle effect, and also acts as...
Steve HolmanMarch 17, 2010 -
Max Contraction and Pro-Style Workouts
A lot of the great research results on static contraction are based on strength increases, which occur rapidly in untrained individuals,...
Steve HolmanMarch 2, 2010 -
Shocking Results and Current Events
When you can do incline curls with a pair of dumbbells in your hands that approach more than 30 percent of...
Charles PoliquinFebruary 18, 2010 -
The Ketogenic Diet and Peaking
If you increase your repetition range from four to six to eight to 10, you’ll pump more blood into the muscles...
John HansenFebruary 6, 2010 -
Arnold’s Power-Density Mass Tactic
As Arnold proved—and as you’ll soon discover—Power plus Density equals muscle immensity.
Steve HolmanFebruary 3, 2010 -
Chest Stress
Only advanced trainees need six to seven days of rest between bodypart hits.
John HansenJanuary 19, 2010 -
Low Reps for More Mass?
Q: Is it true that more experienced lifters need fewer reps to stimulate growth? A: Yes, indeed. It makes an enormous...
Charles PoliquinDecember 29, 2009 -
Size On the Tri’s Without Elbow Pain
Q: I’m 48 years old, and I’ve been training with weights for decades. I’ve always had trouble building my triceps. Almost...
Paul BurkeDecember 14, 2009 -
Negative Emphasis for Positive Muscle Gains
The problem with push/pull routines is that if, for example, you work triceps after chest, your triceps will be too fatigued...
Charles PoliquinDecember 5, 2009 -
Reverse Small-Arm Woes
One thing that’s common to men with little arms is that they don’t do a lot of direct work for the...
Charles PoliquinNovember 23, 2009 -
Front Delts and Overtraining
I used that routine when I was 21 years old in an attempt to build up my mass and gain weight....
John HansenNovember 20, 2009 -
Tips for Faster Fat Loss
Q: I’ve got a lot of fat to lose, but I’m motivated to get ripped this summer. My problem is that...
Steve HolmanNovember 8, 2009