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  • DXO to Grow

    You pull all the way up to full contraction, lower, do an X-Rep partial at the stretch, then pull all the...

    Steve HolmanNovember 5, 2009
  • Lose Fat, Not Muscle

    The standard rule for burning fat is to use moderate intensity, as that puts the body in a fat-burning, as opposed...

    John HansenOctober 15, 2009
  • First Contest

    Nothing will motivate you to stay on a strict diet like committing yourself to a physique competition.

    Dave GoodinOctober 12, 2009
  • Romanian Deadlifts

    Q: What’s your opinion of Romanian deadlifts? A: I was first introduced to Romanian deadlifts by former Romanian weightlifting star Dragomir...

    Charles PoliquinOctober 9, 2009
  • Arm Size and Big Lies

    A number of factors determine how big your arms can get, including the number of muscle cells.

    Charles PoliquinSeptember 18, 2009
  • Ultimate Exercises and Mass Machines

    Is it better to travel by horse or car? It depends on the terrain. Yes, in many instances barbells and dumbbells...

    Steve HolmanSeptember 9, 2009
  • Contest Cuts

    No, I do not dehydrate myself for competition. In fact, as a drug-free bodybuilder I want to be as hydrated as...

    Dave GoodinAugust 16, 2009
  • Arms: Train More to Gain More?

    Getting 10 reps on your first four or five sets is fairly easy—more like warmup sets. At around set six or...

    Steve HolmanAugust 10, 2009
  • Training Loads: Customize for Size and Strength

    Q: You don’t use percentages to determine training loads. Why not? A lot of strength coaches do. A: You can’t argue...

    Charles PoliquinJuly 17, 2009
  • Plan for Big-Gain Hunters

    Plan your workout before you go to the gym so that you know exactly what you’re going to do. That way...

    Dave GoodinJuly 14, 2009
  • Cardio, Splits and Bodypart Hits

    Q: I purchased your book and must say that it’s one of the best I have read. I have a few...

    John HansenJuly 11, 2009
  • You, Sir, the Muscular Guy in the Third Row

    Sounds like you have a problem with structure, most likely genetic, so little can be done to alter it. I’d be...

    Dave DraperJune 20, 2009
  • Powerlifting vs. Bodybuilding

    You’ll be able to handle more weight in your bodybuilding training, which will lead to faster gains when you go back...

    John HansenJune 17, 2009
  • More-Muscle-Now Plan

    Q: I just read one of your columns and was very encouraged by the results you’ve achieved. As an over-40 guy,...

    John HansenJune 14, 2009
  • Loosen Up to Unleash Growth

    Q: Have you heard of FST-7 training, and if so, what’s your opinion of it? It has to do with stretching...

    Steve HolmanJune 8, 2009