Job Stress and Muscle Gain
Q: I am stressed at work, and it affects my training—I just can’t seem to recover from workouts well, and I...
Charles PoliquinJuly 21, 2013 -
Getting Big With One Exercise Per Muscle Group
Q: I see workouts with only one exercise per muscle group. Can you really get big using those? A: Sure you...
Steve HolmanMay 3, 2013 -
Bulking Up in Your 20’s
Q: I’m 17 years old—almost 18. I recently started my bulk, which will last for eight months. I weigh around 188...
John HansenMay 1, 2013 -
How important are the numbers of sets and reps?
Q: I’ve been working out for one year, three or four days a week. I gained three kilograms of muscle and...
John HansenApril 29, 2013 -
Are midrange moves for the midback dangerous?
Q: In the Positions-of-Flexion exercise matrix you don’t list any midrange moves for midback. Instead you say,...
Steve HolmanApril 25, 2013 -
Is there any value in training biceps one arm at a time?
Q: Is there any value in training biceps one arm at a time, rather than both together? A: More important than...
Stuart McRobertMarch 31, 2013 -
Which cambers on an EZ-curl bar should I use for curls?
Q: Which cambers on an EZ-curl bar should I use for curls? A: A more important question is, Should you be...
Stuart McRobertMarch 23, 2013 -
Do you pause between reps to rest or get stronger for the set?
Q: I have been reading your articles for years and recently saw you training at Gold’s Gym in Venice, which is...
Eric BroserMarch 17, 2013 -
QA: What type of pullover should I perform?
Q: What type of pullover should I perform? A: A popular form of the pullover is done with a single dumbbell...
Stuart McRobertMarch 5, 2013 -
QA: Should I do pulldowns to the front or rear, and which grip is best?
Q: Should I do pulldowns to the front or rear, and which grip is best? A: To the front. Regardless of...
Stuart McRobertFebruary 27, 2013 -
Q&A: Should I lean back at the top of a deadlift?
Q: At the top of a deadlift, should I lean back, the way I see some guys do? A: No. Remain...
Stuart McRobertFebruary 5, 2013 -
Q&A: Bent-Over Rows Is A High Risk Exercise
Q: Is there really anything special about bent-over barbell rows? I’ve injured my back several times doing them. A: All exercises...
Stuart McRobertJanuary 1, 2013 -
Q&A: Should I add wrist curls to the end of an arm workout?
Q: What do you think about adding wrist curls to the end of an arm workout? A: It’s a good idea—in...
Charles PoliquinDecember 27, 2012 -
Adjusting Your Training Techniques As You Age
Q: I’m a meso-endomorph, so it’s pretty easy for me to put on muscle but it’s also easy as hell to...
John HansenDecember 17, 2012 -
What Are You Thinking While Doing Your Reps?
Q: Love your column. Thanks for the knowledge and inspiration. This may be an odd question, but what do you think...
Eric BroserDecember 11, 2012