This is a staple meal in our home, especially after a beastly leg or back workout. It’s healthful and full of clean carbs and protein, and it makes for a great bulking meal—especially if you up the portion of pasta, which most of us would love to do!
What you need: Brown rice pasta, a package of Trader Joe’s frozen BBQ Chicken Teriyaki, dry Parmesan, olive oil and pepper.
Empty the bag of frozen chicken on a plate and defrost for eight minutes. Throw away sauce packets that come in the bag—too much sugar
Bring to a boil a medium-sized pot of water, and then toss in two cups of brown rice pasta. Cook for five minutes or until the pasta is al dente.
Measure a tablespoon (or two) of olive oil into a skillet, and heat on medium.
Once the chicken is defrosted, chop it up and add it to the pan along with the brown rice pasta. Sprinkle with pepper and add two tablespoons of dry Parmesan.
Heat the chicken and pasta, mixing continuously, for three minutes—and it’s ready to enjoy. A delicious meal that’s power packed in every bite!
Makes two servings. Each serving contains: calories, 450; carb, 50 grams; fat, 4 grams; protein 35 grams. —Ninette Terhart
Editor’s note: Ninette Terhart is a multi-award-winning bodybuilder and fitness and wellness coach based in Los Angeles.
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