Age: 37 Weight: 240
Height: 5’11”
Profession: CEO of Eric DiLauro Mr. Canada Pro Trainer
Sample workout, quads (with Bojana): one-leg extensions, 2 x 15-20 (per leg); leg extensions, 2 x 15; Precor squats, 3 x 12; seated leg extensions, 3 x 12; vertical leg presses, 3 x 15, 12, 10; free-motion squats, 2 x 15; walking lunges (light weight), 2 x 25 yards
Routine notes: 60-second rests between sets; focus on perfect form and slow negatives
Factoids: Canada’s National Superheavyweight champ in 2000, he played soccer from age three and competed as a semiprofessional. Later he competed in cross-country running and track and field before turning to bodybuilding. At Team DiLauro, he works with pro and amateur athletes in many sports, including Bojana Vasiljevic.
Contact: For training consultation, [email protected]
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