Move over pomegranate, acai, and noni berry. Another fat-burning jungle superfood is about to join your ranks. The acerola is a kind of tropical cherry that grows on a bush native to Brazil, and scientists believe that it can fight body fat accumulation during periods of increased calorie consumption. Researchers at the Universidade Estadual Paulista in Brazil put two groups of mice on a high fat junk-food diet. They added acerola juice to the diet of one group (the equivalent of about three ounces of juice for humans). After 13 weeks, the animals that weren’t given the juice weighed significantly more than the ones who imbibed the acerola.It appears that acerola supplementation reduced the amount of a certain inflammatory factor in fat tissue that inhibits the ef-fect of insulin, known as TNF-alpha. This mechanism stems from acerola boosting the immune system, meaning this superfood may possess even greater undiscovered health benefits
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