Federica Bellli Lives the Fitness Lifestyle With Passion
From the gym to television and cinema, from Paolo Bonolis to Pamela Anderson, from Città di Castello to the United States, Italy’s Federica Belli is increasingly in the spotlight. Her love of sports has brought her success not only in the fitness world but also in fashion and show business.
Federica began her career by winning several bodybuilding contests in 1992.
Federica has a master’s degree in “apporti metabolici e integrazione”—translation per Google, “intake and metabolic integration”—is an accredited trainer (Coni-IFS-WPF), is a Technogym-method trainer and an FIACS-IFBB pro athlete. She began her competitive career by winning several bodybuilding contests in Italy in 1992, becoming the Italian champion in 1993.
In 1996 Federica reached the top of the new American fitness federation, IFSB (established in 1994), winning the Italian Fitness Championships. She won again the next year and earned first place at the European Fitness Championships. She then won the World Fitness Championships 1997 in the U.S. That’s when Paolo Bonolis, the famous Italian TV host, noticed Federica and hired her for the “Beato tra le donne” TV series in 1998.
In 1999 she decided to quit her old job in Città di Castello, which is in Umbriat—she had worked in a book bindery for 11 years—to dedicate herself to her new profession. In the same year she started filming TV spots for “El Campero,” a leather goods brand—and she became an IFBB pro.
In 2000 Belli achieved another success, working in the TV series “VIP” with Pamela Anderson. In 2001 she appeared in the movie “Dall’altra parte del mondo” by Armando Pronzato, playing the lead, a Croatian musician trapped in a romantic and tormented love.
After several more TV roles, Federica signed a contract to be an international representative for Teca, a leader in gym equipment, in 2005. She now travels all over the world for exhibitions, photo shoots and interviews. Luckily, we were able to track her down and get her to answer a few questions. (Special thanks to Sandro Ciccarelli, Publisher Olympian News, http://www.olympian.it for the translation from Italian.)
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