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Fiber: More Important Than You Think

You’ve heard lots of good stuff about getting more fiber—everything from it makes you regular to it fills you up so you eat less to it binds to dietary fat for less calorie impact. Well, there’s more.

According to the September ’11 Better Nutrition: “A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found [that] men who ate 29 grams (compared to 19) of fiber daily and women who ate 26 grams (compared to 11) daily were 22 percent less likely to die for any reason.”

Something is definitely going on there healthwise, and we’d all be smart to get more fiber. It’s not that difficult. Did you know that only a half cup of navy beans contains about 10 grams of fiber?

There are also supplements, like psyllium husk powder that you can stir into oatmeal or blend into protein shakes. Add it to your diet gradually, however, as it can pack a “big” punch. Also, be sure to drink lots of water, as that helps fiber move through your system more readily, cleaning up your digestive tract.

Here are a few other foods that can give you more fiber:


• Pinto or black beans, 1 cup, 8 grams

• Kidney or lima beans, 1/2 cup, 6 grams

• Asian pear, 1 medium, 9 grams

• Ground flaxseed, 2 tablespoons, 5 grams

•Apple, 1 medium, 5 grams


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