Diabetes Poster Boy
Thank you for the article on Jason Poston. I was stunned to learn that he has type-1 diabetes. I too live with type-1 diabetes, and it has taken me a lot of trial and error with my diet and training to make gains in the gym. It is inspiring to see the body he has built. After reading the article, I am going to implement a few things Jason does in my own training.
—T. Weede via e-mail
Respect for Elders
I am 65 years old and a longtime reader of Iron Man. I was skeptical after the first two issues, thinking that Iron Man was trying to become Muscle & Fitness or even Men’s Health. After reflecting on the changes, I really have no problems. The sex column is fine (I’m old not dead), and I don’t read the Beauty column. How about a workout column for seniors? (And I don’t mean someone over 40.) Seniors have to do things differently!
—C. Bickel via e-mail
Dana Linn Beastly
DLB is a friggin’ beast in the gym. I can’t believe the numbers she puts up and the workouts she does. I am really impressed with her. She and her husband seem like cool people too. It’s nice to see someone who looks like her and who is so approachable and down to earth.
—A. Simpson via e-mail
No Splitting Here
Please do more articles like Jay Ashman’s workout in the last issue (“Bigger, Stronger, Better”). Not all of us can be in the gym for two hours a day, six days a week. Some of us have careers and families, but we still want to look good and be strong. This workout was short and simple but high quality. I love the mix of bodybuilding and strength exercises. Let’s have more workouts for people who live in the real world.
—J. Prata via e-mail
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