There are good reasons that monounsaturated fat has been dubbed “heart-healthy.” This is the fat found in avocados, olive oil, olives, macadamia nuts, peanuts and even beef—more in the grass-fed varieties.
Monounsaturated fats can have beneficial effects on your skin, keep your arteries clean and also help you get lean.
Research published in Diabetes
Care found that replacing some saturated fat with monounsaturated fat—taking saturated from 23 to 9 percent—boosted adiponectin in the body. That’s important because adiponectin is the “lean-body hormone” responsible for heightening insulin sensitivity, increasing calorie burning and curbing appetite.
Show that eating more monounsaturated fats led to a redistribution of bodyfat away from the abdomen. That’s critical to your health—ab fat is linked to cancer, heart disease and more—and the impressiveness of your physique. No matter how big you are, without etched abs you look fairly fat.
Eat some monounsaturated fat each day to improve your health and your bodybuilding results.
—Steve Holman
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