IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #695:
One-Hit Workouts: Is a Single Exercise Enough for Ultimate Mass?
One-Hit Workouts: Is a Single Exercise Enough for Ultimate Mass?
Q: I see workouts with only one exercise per muscle group. Can you really get big using those?
A: Sure you can get big–up to a point. For example, we single out the best exercise for each muscle group in The Ultimate Mass Workout e-book, such as decline presses for chest–and even provide "one-hit" workouts. But by "best exercise" we don’t mean it’s all you need to reach your genetic size potential…
If you don’t have a lot of time, the decline press is the pec exercise we recommend because it’s been shown to activate the most muscle fibers from top to bottom–yes, even in the upper chest. (J Strength and Conditioning Research. 11:163-167. 1997) (Note: Reverse-grip bench presses have been shown in recent EMG studies to get at the upper fibers even better).
The bottom line is that if you want MAXIMUM size development, you need to attack the target muscle from multiple angles. That’s because muscle fibers run in various directions and have better leverage to fire at specific angles of pull..
The basic three "angles," or positions, are midrange, stretch and contracted. That’s Positions-of-Flexion mass training…
For example, we mentioned decline presses for chest; those fall into the midrange category. You would add flyes for stretch and cable crossovers for the contracted position. Now you have completed the full-range chain for exceptional fiber activation–and more blood pooling in the target for sarcoplasmic size…
Here’s another example, triceps…
Now some trainees have significant fiber-recruitment abilities in certain muscle groups. For example, you may have seen guys with huge pecs who only do bench presses.
That’s rare; however, and the development is usually not quite complete, lacking in certain areas, like upper- or inner-pec thickness. Still, they were able to build a lot of mass with one exercise because of superior neuromuscular efficiency, or nerve-to-muscle connection…
You may have a body part or two like that–easy gainers; however, most muscles will need multi-angle training, like POF, for full, COMPLETE development. All of our X-Rep e-books and X-Workouts e-books–like 4X, Pre-Ex 3x, etc.–have POF basics as well as complete POF workouts–including the 3 in the Unreal Deal below.
So the bottom line for most muscles is that it takes a multi-exercise blast to pack on EXTREME MASS.
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
–Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
INCREDIBLE UNREAL DEAL: Get our first 3 best-selling e-books for the price of one. The Ultimate Mass Workout (the original X-Rep manual), Beyond X-Rep Muscle Building (X-hybrid mass tactics) and X-Rep Update #1 (X-only sets, stretch overload and more), ALL 3 for ONLY $24.99. Go HERE to check it out. Limited time only.
Latest Release–> The Pre-Ex 3X Mass Workout—Plus Drop-Set 4X, Rest/Pause 4X and the Perfect Mass-Building Split. This e-book merges the pre-exhaustion muscle-size method with 4X style mass training. 3 complete programs, including modified Pre-Ex 3X, no supersets required. Also, how Mike Mentzer used pre-ex and how you can alter it to get massive gains WITHOUT anabolic steroids or overtraining–just BIG-MASS gaining.
To follow the ITRC training program in “Train, Eat, Grow,” get a copy of the latest issue of IRON MAN.
This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team
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