Ryan Stafford: Bony to Brawny
This month’s impressive body transformer is Ryan Stafford. His before and after photos were taken about three years apart. During that...
Iron Man MagazineDecember 7, 2014 -
Slow Negatives for Power?
Q: I recently purchased your P/RR/S e-book and DVD and was curious as to why you recommend four-second negative reps during...
Eric BroserDecember 7, 2014 -
Is kettlebell training just a fad?
Weight training is subject to fads as much as any other field. All you have to do to know that this...
Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.December 5, 2014 -
Do This to Avoid Brain Drain
Recent research out of Brazil showed that when rats ran on a running wheel, they developed significantly more hippocampal neurons in...
Steve Holman and Jonathan LawsonDecember 4, 2014 -
Coconut Craze
There’s been a lot of hype about coconut oil in the past few years. Some like to cook with it, and...
Iron Man MagazineDecember 4, 2014 -
Get New Size and Strength With Wave Loading
Q: I’ve heard the term wave loading tossed around the gym. What is it? A: With a wave-loading cycle you work...
Charles PoliquinDecember 3, 2014 -
Building Your Muscles from Underneath
Sometimes to build more mass you have to go deep; that is, you have to build the muscles underneath. Here are...
Steve HolmanDecember 2, 2014 -
Retro Arnold
First, the Arnold cover is fantastic ! Mustache and striped trunks—a total throwback on the beach. The shots on the...
Iron Man MagazineDecember 1, 2014 -
When should you change your workouts?
Here’s a question I get a lot: “When should I change up my workouts?” My answer: When they stop delivering results....
Ron HarrisDecember 1, 2014 -
Tension Time and Muscle Fibers
Q: Do some muscles respond better to longer tension times? For example, I’ve heard that calves do best with high reps,...
Charles PoliquinNovember 30, 2014 -
High-End Hypertrophy Progression
Q: I got The Ultimate Power-Density Mass Workout 2.0 and was motivated by Doug Brignole’s interview and how he...
Steve HolmanNovember 29, 2014 -
Melissa Le Man
Melissa Le Man Went From 9 to 5 to Full-Time Fitness Professional—That’s a Lot of Cheek!
Savannah NeveuxNovember 28, 2014 -
Don’t Let Age Be Your Excuse
When I was in my 20s in the 1990s, I vividly recall older guys telling me to enjoy being strong and...
Ron HarrisNovember 28, 2014 -
B-72 Without a Plan or Propellers
I just returned from my first workout after a long layoff. I didn’t choose the layoff; it chose me. Those bumps...
Dave DraperNovember 28, 2014 -
Remember Fanny Packs?
Back in the day a fanny pack was a waist belt with a pouch on it to hold your stuff when...
Steve HolmanNovember 27, 2014