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  • Fish Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease

    Resolution is the final stage of the inflammatory response, when restoration of tissue occurs. Failure may lead to chronic inflammation, which...

    Robert Goldman MD, PhDSeptember 22, 2014
  • Aging With Muscle

    If you see someone with a big, round, bloated belly, what’s the first thing you think? Too much Budweiser? Dessert fiend?...

    Steve HolmanSeptember 20, 2014
  • Mens Physique Competitor Arya Saffaie on his Journey to the 2014 Mr. Oylmpia

    Curtis Fisher: This is Curtis here with Ironman Magazine blog and we have Mr. Arya Saffaie who will be competing in...

    curtis.fisherSeptember 19, 2014
  • The Power of Prime-Time Vision

    Martial arts legend Bruce Lee knew the purpose and importance of having vision. “A goal is not always meant to be...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 19, 2014
  • Gaining Size in the Off-Season

    Q: I’m trying to gain mass and strength fast. What do you do to gain size in the off-season? A: For...

    Ben WhiteSeptember 18, 2014
  • Stanislas de Longeaux

    Age: 26  Weight: 190 Height: 5’10” Bodypart split: Monday: quads, hamstrings, calves; Tuesday: chest, biceps; Wednesday: back, abs; Thursday: shoulders, triceps;...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 17, 2014
  • Paleo, Primal and Traditional Diets

    Last month I explained the theoretical and practical application of the Paleo diet. In a nutshell, it is based on our...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 17, 2014
  • Serious Size and Strength Supplements

    PHENBUTEROL   MuscleMeds introduces a new development in advanced fat-burning technology that helps you lose weight effectively without sacrificing muscle. Phenbuterol...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 17, 2014
  • Railroading

    This month’s topic is an exercise technique that’s not for the faint of heart. It is also one that shouldn’t be...

    Bill StarrSeptember 16, 2014
  • Rewards That Last a Lifetime

    Summer. How did it get here so fast, and...

    John BalikSeptember 15, 2014
  • Eva Marie: Code Red Diva

    Former high school and community college soccer standout. Cover girl of such noted publications as Import Tuner, Glamfit, Ruckus and, of...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 15, 2014
  • What is the optimal protein limit?

    Some time ago I reported in this column on a study of young men engaged in weight training that looked to...

    Jerry BrainumSeptember 15, 2014
  • Rewards That Last a Lifetime

    Summer. How did it get here so fast, and why is it leaving so soon? We raced through June in anticipation...

    John BalikSeptember 15, 2014
  • Don’t Run On A Treadmill For Cardio

    Q: Do you run on a treadmill for cardio? What are your thoughts about the use of treadmills? A: For most...

    Ben WhiteSeptember 14, 2014
  • Take Vitamin D to Fight Disease

    With spring in full swing that means more time outside enjoying the benefits of the glorious sunshine.One of those benefits is...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 13, 2014