The Evolution of Sports Nutrition
First, let me say what an honor and thrill it is for me to be writing for IRON MAN. I can...
Iron Man MagazineJune 9, 2014 -
Berry Compound Linked to Longevity
Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant that is found abundantly in blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Cristina Andres-Lacueva, from the University of...
Robert Goldman MD, PhDJune 8, 2014 -
Diet: Young vs. Older
Things obviously change as we get older because our bodies change. Specifically, our hormone levels naturally decline. One very important example...
John HansenJune 7, 2014 -
Keeping Muscles Full While Leaning Out
Q: I’m looking at your photos from the IFBB Titans Grand Prix and Kentucky Muscle pro men’s physique competitions. How the...
Dave GoodinJune 6, 2014 -
What is the best food or supplement to have postworkout?
Q: What is the best food or supplement to have postworkout? I always drink a protein shake after training, but I’m...
Ben WhiteJune 6, 2014 -
Breakthrough Skin Tightening Cream
Summer is here - get fit and firm with NeriumFirm! Say good bye to stubborn flab, dimpling and stretch marks!
Iron Man MagazineJune 5, 2014 -
Narcissism 101
Heaven knows we have all seen them—the ones who simply cannot pass a mirror—or, for that matter, a storefront plate-glass window—without...
Iron Man MagazineJune 5, 2014 -
The No-Calorie Lie
Lots of people do it—and believe it. They suck down multiple diet sodas every day, thinking they are not getting extra...
Steve HolmanJune 4, 2014 -
What is the correct form for lateral raises?
Q: I see people in the gym using different techniques on lateral raises. Some keep their arms straight and lower to...
Charles PoliquinJune 4, 2014 -
Ben White: Are you done with powerlifting?
Q: I recently saw an episode of the Web series “NYBB Blue.” It’s a great series, but the whole episode was...
Ben WhiteJune 4, 2014 -
Eye-Popping Biceps Peak–and More Muscle On Your Physique
For the uninitiated, the “in-for-out, out-for-in” rule for biceps is that an inward grip for biceps exercises, like close-grip curls or...
Steve Holman and Jonathan LawsonJune 2, 2014 -
What Is the Best Number of Sets?
Q: What is the optimum number of sets for each bodypart? I’ve been doing 16 sets for chest and back and...
John HansenJune 2, 2014 -
Fastest Way to Build Muscle Without Gaining Excess Fat
Q: What do you think is the fastest way to build muscle without gaining excess fat? A: Two words: cyclical bulking,...
Vince Del MonteJune 2, 2014 -
The Ultimate Incline Curls
As regular IRON MAN readers know, the so-called stretch position is one of the most critically important in any muscle’s range...
Iron Man MagazineJune 1, 2014