Avoiding Knee Surgery
Most rehab exercises are easily done in the gym. Here’s hoping you can keep your knee strong and stable so you...
Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.August 11, 2010 -
Luis Santiago
Age: 30 Weight: 134 contest; 186 off-season Height: 5’3” Residence: Carolina, Puerto Rico Contest highlights: ’09 NPC Nationals, lightweight, 2nd; ’09...
Lonnie TeperAugust 11, 2010 -
Yogi a Fool with His Pick of Ruhl?
The “Experts” top five picks for this weekend’s Europa in Dallas are in and, as always, The Swami’s crystal ball insures...
Lonnie TeperAugust 9, 2010 -
Sleeve Stretching Bling
Strip away all the supersecret, hardgainer’s-shirt-bursting biceps workouts of the pros, all the miracle supplements and the Bolivian fruit fly extract...
Cory CrowAugust 9, 2010 -
Florida Fillies Do Fine in Jacksonville
The ladies came out for Dexter Jackson last weekend, with 18 bikini contestants and a whopping 35 figure contender hitting the...
Ruth SilvermanAugust 8, 2010 -
The Most Important Bodybuilding Lessons
The lesson: Be dedicated so that you train 100 percent well and recuperate 100 percent well, but don’t neglect other aspects...
Stuart McRobertAugust 8, 2010 -
Max Out Fat Loss
The subjects underwent bodyfat testing, and only those who exercised at least four times a week showed significant bodyfat loss
Jerry BrainumAugust 8, 2010 -
Stacy Pillari
Age: 45 on May 1 Weight: 105 contest; 125 off-season Height: 5’1” Residence: Wilmington, North Carolina Occupation: Owner (with her husband,...
Lonnie TeperAugust 8, 2010 -
Arnold Sports Film Festival to Debut in March 2011
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Arnold Sports Festival and Ideas United today announced that the first Arnold Sports Film Festival will be...
Lonnie TeperAugust 7, 2010 -
The USA and Deadlines
I’ve been LMAO ever since I got back from the USA and discovered that the little blog entry I wrote on...
Ruth SilvermanAugust 6, 2010 -
IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #469: More Muscle Now: Less Training, Big Gaining
Subject: IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #469: More Muscle Now: Less Training, Big Gaining www.ironmanmagazine.com ========================================== TRY THIS AT YOUR NEXT WORKOUT...
Iron Man MagazineAugust 6, 2010 -
Less Fat, More Muscle, New Abs
You can’t judge your results by bodyweight, however. If you gain muscle and lose fat, your weight may stay about the...
Steve HolmanAugust 5, 2010 -
Keep Muscle, Lose Fat
In previous studies a short-term calorie reduction didn’t seem to hurt performance. Similar findings have occurred in studies where carbohydrate intake...
Jerry BrainumAugust 5, 2010 -
Quentin Randolph
Age: 43 Weight: 163 contest; 205 off-season Height: 5’5” Residence: Chesapeake, Virginia Occupation: Hospital engineer technician Contest highlights: ’09 NPC Nationals,...
Lonnie TeperAugust 5, 2010 -
Wheat Can Make You Weak
You may have heard of celiac disease, which affects one in every 100 Americans. It’s a severe aversion to gluten, a...
Becky HolmanAugust 2, 2010