Machines Are Gravy
The first thing I noticed when I pulled into my gym’s parking lot was that a group of older Body Masters...
Ron HarrisDecember 8, 2009 -
Calcium: A Testosterone Booster?
Mention the word calcium, and just about everyone thinks about bones or teeth. It’s true that the majority of calcium is...
Jerry BrainumDecember 8, 2009 -
Bikini Bite: No Snappin' at the International
Is it too soon to talk about the Arnold? It can’t be because a couple of days ago Helen Yu out...
Ruth SilvermanDecember 7, 2009 -
IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #403: Your Arms Look Huge: Back-Attack Size Effects
Subject: IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #403: Your Arms Look Huge: Back-Attack Size Effects www.ironmanmagazine.com ========================================== TRY THIS AT YOUR NEXT WORKOUT...
Steve Holman and Jonathan LawsonDecember 7, 2009 -
With several industry leaders investigating new and highly promising mechanisms of weight loss, one company was bound to make a dramatic...
Iron Man MagazineDecember 7, 2009 -
Negative Emphasis for Positive Muscle Gains
The problem with push/pull routines is that if, for example, you work triceps after chest, your triceps will be too fatigued...
Charles PoliquinDecember 5, 2009 -
Maria Pernia
Age: 28 Weight: 128 contest; 136 off-season Height: 5’7” Residence: Pasadena, California Contest highlights: ’09 Junior Cal, figure D, 2nd; ’09...
Lonnie TeperDecember 5, 2009 -
The Instinct Diet
Use Your Five Food Instincts to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Becky HolmanDecember 5, 2009 -
Anthony Pomponio – Kid Kong
It’s hard to imagine a mild, soft-spoken 21-year-old like Anthony Rocco Pomponio as an assailant, but that’s exactly what “Kid Kong”...
Lonnie TeperDecember 2, 2009 -
DYS-Functional Exercise
So-called “Functional Exercise” has been the rage for quite a few years now. There are several variations of “functional exercise”, and...
Doug BrignoleDecember 2, 2009 -
Luca Pennazzato
Age: 33 Weight: 230 Height: 6’2” Training: Five days a week with weights Bodybuilding titles: ’08 Mr. Muscle Beach, novice division...
Iron Man MagazineDecember 2, 2009 -
Heavy Sets Plus 10X
I must warn you that even though you use lighter poundages on 10x10 sequences, it’s still a very powerful and taxing...
Steve HolmanDecember 2, 2009 -
Anticancer Caffeine
Bodybuilders use caffeine before a workout to have more energy, and most fat burners include some form of caffeine as a...
Becky HolmanDecember 2, 2009