Myotest for More Mass
When your testosterone levels are at an all-time low, estrogen controls your system, an all-consuming flood of weakness is unleashed, and...
Iron Man MagazineSeptember 25, 2009 -
Shocking Muscle Growth
Heat shock protein sounds like something conjured up by an ad copy writer. Yet heat shock proteins, often referred to as...
Jerry BrainumSeptember 25, 2009 -
IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #378: Look Bigger With NA Workouts
Subject: IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #378: Look Bigger With NA Workouts www.ironmanmagazine.com ========================================== TRY THIS AT YOUR NEXT WORKOUT ========================================== Q:...
Steve Holman and Jonathan LawsonSeptember 24, 2009 -
2009 NPC Team Universe
Well, I did it! I accomplished another major goal by winning the welterweight class at the Team Universe last weekend! My final...
Dave GoodinSeptember 24, 2009 -
Getting Back Up Again
Pro bodybuilder Branch Warren once said something to me that stuck: “It’s not about how many times you get knocked down....
Ron HarrisSeptember 24, 2009 -
Living Forever: Is It Possible?
A growing number of maverick scientists, doctors, researchers, biogeneticists and nanotechnologists—many with impeccable academic credentials—insist that the war against aging can...
Robert Goldman MD, PhDSeptember 24, 2009 -
Nutritonal Recovery
Studies show that engaging in resistance exercise, such as typical bodybuilding workouts, stimulates muscle protein synthesis for up to 48 hours...
Jerry BrainumSeptember 24, 2009 -
Big-Time Chest Chiseling
What draws me to bodybuilding is the variety. Granted, there’s always the quest to get bigger, and the physics behind lifting...
Cory CrowSeptember 23, 2009 -
A Bodybuilder is Born – Episode 50: Making the Most of What You’re Given
Back-to-school shopping sure has changed since I was a lad. My 12-year-old daughter is about to start the seventh grade. On...
Ron HarrisSeptember 21, 2009 -
MIND/BODY Longevity
According to the November ’08 Prevention, “In the 20th century, the average life expectancy shot up 30 years—the greatest gain in...
Becky HolmanSeptember 21, 2009 -
Growth Hormone Secretagogues
Since GH is quite expensive, an effective oral drug could replace GH injections and even eliminate most current GH-related side effects....
Jerry BrainumSeptember 21, 2009 -
Limited-Equipment Bodybuilding
I know how hard it can be to train alone in your basement gym—but it can be done successfully.
Paul BurkeSeptember 21, 2009 -
Whitney Reid Cover ShootIron Man MagazineSeptember 20, 2009
12 Weeks to Your Future Physique
12 Weeks is a great, concise book for anyone starting down the road to a new muscular physique.
Becky HolmanSeptember 19, 2009 -
Jay’s Revenge?
For those who haven’t viewed the dramatic “Experts” Mr. Olympia predictions video on this site (is that even possible?), I’m gonna...
Lonnie TeperSeptember 18, 2009