Muscle-Science Roundup
Here we are moving into 2008. Wow. It seems like only yesterday that we were stocking our garages with protein powder...
Steve HolmanDecember 14, 2008 -
Dragging an Unwilling Body to the Gym
There are times when a slow training session with precise and deliberate movement is preferred. It matches power and energy, accommodates...
Dave DraperDecember 14, 2008 -
Green Tea to Get Lean
In a recent study a group of researchers managed to separate the normal fat-burning effects produced by exercise and compare them...
Jerry BrainumDecember 11, 2008 -
Train – and Rest – to Gain
Steer clear of those self-styled Internet experts who recommend “high volume, high frequency” overload training to make spectacular gains.
Jerry BrainumDecember 11, 2008 -
Jake Sawyer
You might call Jake Sawyer the new face on BodySpace. You may have seen him recently in a lot of places,...
Ian SitrenDecember 11, 2008 -
Brad Harris: Very Alive at 75
"Riding a life” is the best way to describe Brad Harris’ rise from a wide-eyed youth of 14 who was inspired...
Gene MozeeDecember 10, 2008 -
Not That There’s Anything Wrong With Model Searches
Readers who saw my November 4 entry regarding the NPC’s projected embrace of bikini competition—now a reality—may have gotten the mistaken...
Ruth SilvermanDecember 9, 2008 -
Stretch to Etch Muscle Detail
One problem may be fat in the area. Adipose tissue covering the pecs blurs or negates any detail. You need to...
Steve HolmanDecember 9, 2008 -
Motion-Transfer Cable Attachment
If your shoulder and elbow joints are less than perfect or you want to keep them free of stress and injury,...
John BalikDecember 8, 2008 -
I’ve been slacking on the blog
Wow! I didn’t realize that it’s been a couple of weeks since I posted my workouts. Above is a photo that...
Dave GoodinDecember 8, 2008 -
Rest for Strength
Unlike numbers of sets and reps, the length of their rest intervals is rarely controlled by weight trainees. While a beginner...
Charles PoliquinDecember 8, 2008 -
Growth Hormone: Useless for Sports?
Peripheral weakness is a hallmark of acromegaly, as is a greater tendency to diabetes and heart disease. Andre Roussimuff (“Andre the...
Jerry BrainumDecember 8, 2008 -
Don’t slam the door on your way out, Oscar
Watching the Oscar de La Hoya-Manny “Pac-man” Pacquiao fight was of special interest to me. While I’m a boxing fan anyway,...
Jerry BrainumDecember 7, 2008 -
Brand New IronManMagazine.com
Welcome to the new site! Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.
Iron Man MagazineDecember 5, 2008