40 is the New 20 – Part 1
The crowd goes absolutely wild—packed as it is with dozens of my friends and family members. My heart is beating wildly,...
Eric BroserSeptember 16, 2008 -
Best Moves For Big Bi’s
In the e-book X-traordinary Arms we explain the in-for-out/out-for-in principle. For biceps it means that to focus on the outer head...
Steve HolmanSeptember 16, 2008 -
The Problem With Plastic
In the July ’08 IRON MAN, my item “Bottled-Water Whoas” discussed the negative impact bottled drinking water is having on our...
Becky HolmanSeptember 16, 2008 -
Bigger, Stronger, Younger
Perhaps the best reason to start a youngster on a strength program is the effect it will have on self-confidence.
Bill StarrSeptember 16, 2008 -
Mass Construction
After years of heavy power training—years upon years of heavy triples, doubles and singles performed with supermaximal poundages, my body just...
C.S. SloanSeptember 15, 2008 -
Split leg workout
I know that I need to improve my legs to win on the national level in the NPC. Having experimented a...
Dave GoodinSeptember 15, 2008 -
The IFBB IRON MAN PRO is back!
Join us on Saturday January 24th, 2009 as we present Southern California’s only professional bodybuilding competion LIVE!! from the Los Angeles...
Iron Man MagazineSeptember 15, 2008 -
Kill the Old Myth
Kill the myth that says we can’t increase muscle mass at an older age and progress in bodybuilding or strength training....
John PascoSeptember 15, 2008 -
October 2008 Issue Preview
Cover man Eric Broser lays out a plan for getting bigger and better with age.
Click Here To SubscribeIron Man MagazineSeptember 15, 2008 -
Arginine’s Anabolic Connection
Various forms of arginine have recently played a starring role in sports supplements used to boost nitric oxide.
Jerry BrainumSeptember 15, 2008 -
Triceps Training Tips and Myths
A smarter approach is to look at how body position affects the triceps, specifically the differences produced by performing triceps extensions...
Charles PoliquinSeptember 15, 2008 -
Questions and Answers Online
Covering yourself in Preparation H is just going to make you smell like ass.
Dave GoodinSeptember 15, 2008 -
40 is the New 20 – Part 1
On most exercises I use textbook form, with a very full range of motion—until it’s X-Rep time, of course—and a slower...
Eric BroserSeptember 15, 2008 -
Beginning Bodybuilding
Q: I’m a 20-year-old guy from England. I’ve been training for two months now, four times a week, using a split...
John HansenSeptember 15, 2008 -
The Brothers Grimm
To keep a secure grip, use a well-knurled bar and lifter’s chalk on your hands. Eventually, when you build up to...
Stuart McRobertSeptember 15, 2008