Fat-Burn Biology, Part 2
The Three Cs of Fat Loss: Carbs, Cold and Calm
Ori Hofmekler and Marc SalzmanOctober 1, 2003 -
Legends of Bodybuilding: Lee Labrada, Part 1
?I think of myself as a bodybuilder who went as far as he could and had an absolute blast in the...
Rod LabbeOctober 1, 2003 -
Iron Man’s Hardbody: Tanya Taylor – Spectacular Vixen
Interview with popular Swimsuit Spectacular fitness model
Jonathan LawsonOctober 1, 2003 -
Building the Ultimate Physique, Month 9
Back Training With the Max Contraction System
John LittleOctober 1, 2003 -
Leptin: The Next Big Thing in Body Composition, Part 1
When you?re dieting, you should refeed before you experience the signs of lowered leptin.
Par DeusOctober 1, 2003 -
Unchained: Supplement Intake
The harder you train, the better your nutrition has to be, or you won?t be able to recover from your workouts.
Greg ZulakOctober 1, 2003 -
Naturally Huge: I Want 17-inch Arms!
Always eat carbohydrates with protein. Carbs eaten alone, even complex carbs, will cause a bigger insulin reaction than when you combine...
John HansenOctober 1, 2003 -
Train With Zane: Vacuum Your Waist
If you?re interested in learning the stomach vacuum, the most important exercise is the dumbbell pullover, which you do while lying...
Frank ZaneOctober 1, 2003 -
Bodybuilding Pharmacology: Fat to Muscle Insulin Shuffle
Insulin itself shows little or no protein-synthesizing effects in the blood unless accompanied by a higher-than-usual level of amino acids.
Iron Man MagazineOctober 1, 2003 -
Anabolic Drive: Peptide Power
Combining one milligram of nicotine with 50 to 100 milligrams of caffeine may actually be a fairly potent theremogenic stack.
Jose Antonio, Ph.D.October 1, 2003 -
October 2003
This month we?re zeroing in on training. Is yours the most effective, time-efficient muscle-building experience possible? No? Then you need our...
Iron Man MagazineOctober 1, 2003 -
Wheeler Gets Kidney
Ken "Flex" Wheeler, who announced his retirement from bodybuilding a few months back due to a congenital kidney disease, had kidney...
Lonnie TeperSeptember 28, 2003 -
Time to Squat
A program that many bodybuilders used to do, usually just before a big contest, was nonstop squats performed without lockout out...
Bill StarrSeptember 24, 2003 -
Jan Tana Results
Best-poser Bidding War
Murray Makes a DecisionDon?t tell the Masters Olympia competitors, but the significance of the annual Jan Tana Classic weekend is its focus on the...
Ruth SilvermanSeptember 12, 2003 -
Triceps Tears Takes Levrone, Ruhl Out of ?Olympia
Thanks to a couple of triceps tears, the Mr. Olympia continues to shrink. Markus Ruhl is definitely out.
Lonnie TeperSeptember 2, 2003