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  • Crazy Abs with Ako Rahim

    The journey of building muscles into a beautiful and symmetrical physique is filled with starts, restarts, doubling back, and entering unassigned...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 31, 2016
  • Do more work with David Morin

    Most guys have two settings when it comes to training: lift weights to build muscle, and do cardio to get lean...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 27, 2016
  • It’s Almost Summer Time, Are You Ready?

    It’s Almost Summer Time, Are You Ready? That’s the question that 99% of us are asking on a daily basis. The...

    Sharon OrtigasMay 27, 2016
  • Carbohydrate confusion

    How do we define good carbs and bad carbs? The glycemic index system of ranking carbohydrates remains the gold standard of...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 26, 2016
  • Man up!

    If your goal is to have ripped abs, a muscular body, and long-lasting sex, then your total testosterone levels should be...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 25, 2016
  • Bring the heat

    A study published in The Journal of Physiological Sciences examined the anabolic properties of heat stress. Japa-nese scientists examined muscle tissue...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 25, 2016
  • Liquid Creatine Conundrum

    Years ago, one of the biggest supplement scams was a ready-to-drink creatine serum. This was before it was widely known that...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 24, 2016
  • The Gramies

    IRON MAN PICKS THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST ANNUAL PROTEIN BAR AWARDS Protein bars have been through more evolutions than iPhones....

    Iron Man MagazineMay 23, 2016
  • Urban Treasures

    People often look at fruit trees found in dense urban areas and assume its of offerings are nutritionally bankrupt, made up...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 22, 2016
  • Slow, Fast, Slow, Fast

    Going slow, and then fast, and then slow, and then fast sounds like advice from the Kama Sutra, but it’s actually...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 22, 2016
  • Venti Decaf Hunger-Buster

    Caffeine has typically been given credit for the way coffee smashes a case of the munchies, but new research shows that...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 21, 2016
  • Catch-Up Sleep

    For years, the idea of “catch-up sleep”—getting fewer than eight hours of shut-eye a night during weekdays and then sleeping in...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 19, 2016
  • The Steaks Are High

    Grass-fed beef has undeniable value for the physique athlete. One thing that is often overlooked within the world of fitness is...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 18, 2016
  • Evening Carb Idea

    Just when you think you have carbs all figured out, more information comes to light. Conventional wis-dom has recommended tapering carb...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 18, 2016
  • Broader Shoulders!

    This unorthodox shoulder program will wake up your delts to become bigger, stronger, and healthier than ever.   Shoulders are tricky. One...

    Iron Man MagazineMay 17, 2016