The Energy of Invention
I’ve said it before, but my favorite part of publishing a national industry-leading magazine is the access it grants. I don’t...
Iron Man MagazineMarch 29, 2016 -
April 2016 Table of Contents
SUBSCRIBE to Iron Man Top features include: Alpha Male Shoulders, a high volume plan to help you build impressive delts and...
Iron Man MagazineMarch 29, 2016 -
Fit Kitchen
If your New Year’s resolution includes a weekly food-prep day, here are a few things you will need to stick to...
Amanda BurrillMarch 28, 2016 -
The McGill Pull-Up
Improve speed, power, and neuro drive with this exercise created by a foremost authority in spinal biomechanics
Brian CarrollMarch 27, 2016 -
4 Key Foods to Help you Live Longer
One of the secrets of longevity, aside from having good genetics, is to eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables....
Steve HolmanMarch 27, 2016 -
Building Delts With Muscle Splits
Q: How can I set up a muscle split that has me training four days a week—Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday?...
John HansenMarch 27, 2016 -
Do More Work
Barbell complexes are metabolic firebombs that can prepare your body to train longer and harder.
Mike CarlsonMarch 26, 2016 -
Building Up the Legs
You don’t have to go to absolute failure to build your legs. The main thing is to do more than you...
John HansenMarch 26, 2016 -
Hardcore Workouts for Bigger Chest, Back and Arms
Q: I’m interested in some hardcore workouts for my chest, back and arms. I’m not interested in getting any stronger, just...
Charles PoliquinMarch 25, 2016 -
Liquid Creatine Conundrum
Years ago, one of the biggest supplement scams was a ready-to-drink creatine serum. This was before it was widely known that...
Iron Man MagazineMarch 25, 2016 -
No Monkey Business
As kids many of us would have a banana in our morning cereal or in our lunch bag. You may not...
Iron Man MagazineMarch 24, 2016 -
Rounding Out the Glutes
Q: I’m preparing for my first figure show, but my glutes are a little flat and not tight enough. What are...
Ben WhiteMarch 24, 2016 -
How Do Pros Train to Get Awesome Biceps?
Q: What do the pros do to give themselves their awesome biceps shapes? A: Biceps shape is genetically determined. If you...
Stuart McRobertMarch 23, 2016 -
Turbocharge Your Whey
Whey protein is king when it comes to initiating protein synthesis and improving body composition, and with a few small tweaks...
Iron Man MagazineMarch 23, 2016 -
Back-Building Secrets
Q: I’ve always been very impressed with the width and thickness of your back. It’s amazing for a natural bodybuilder. What’s...
Dave GoodinMarch 22, 2016