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  • Bodyfat, Anabolism and Insulin

    Insulin is best known for its effects on carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Simply put, it acts as a storage hormone, increasing...

    Jerry BrainumMarch 22, 2016
  • Create Big-Ass Shoulders With Mike Rashid

    His motto “Train Your Mind as Hard as You Train Your Body,” may test your muscles and your mind.

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 21, 2016
  • The Timing of Green Tea

    Epigallocatechin gallate, better known as EGCG, is the potent antioxidant found in green tea that is often extracted and used in...

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 21, 2016
  • IFBB Pro Jeff Seid Is Making A Comeback!

    Jeff Seid, known to our readers as our June 2015 cover model, revealed to me earlier this week that he is...

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 20, 2016
  • Sonny Brown’s 6-Pack Abs Destruction Workout

    As a society we are obsessed with what goes on in the midsections of others—from beer bellies to washboards, kegs to...

    Cory CrowMarch 20, 2016
  • In-Set Supersets for Massive Triceps

    If you want truly massive arms, you must prioritize your triceps training. After all, the triceps comprise two-thirds of the mass...

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 19, 2016
  • Power-Packed Pecs

    Q: I think your chest is just sick (in a good way). While I definitely admire the pecs on people like...

    Eric BroserMarch 18, 2016
  • Are Carbohydrates ESSENTIAL? Read on

    This is a question that I get A LOT and wanted to write a quick blog addressing the topic. When we...

    Sharon OrtigasMarch 17, 2016
  • Venti Decaf Hunger-Buster

    Caffeine has typically been given credit for the way coffee smashes a case of the munchies, but new research shows that...

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 17, 2016
  • Switch-Leg Split Squats

    If you want to hit the quads, glutes and hamstrings thoroughly, try this variation of the split squat that has an...

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 17, 2016
  • Serious Pull for Back & Biceps

    Build a thicker back and bigger biceps with this multifaceted, free-weight workout.

    Joe WuebbenMarch 16, 2016
  • Fast Arm Building Workouts

    Every gym has a guy who has the biggest arms—the man with the largest biceps and triceps. Here’s a two-week challenge...

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 15, 2016
  • Chew Yourself Shredded

    Here is a fitness hack for you: If you’re dieting, chew gum during the day in order to stuff fewer calories...

    Iron Man MagazineMarch 15, 2016
  • The Crazy Abs Workout

    The journey of building muscles into a beautiful and symmetrical physique is filled with starts, restarts, doubling back, and entering unassigned...

    Mike CarlsonMarch 14, 2016
  • Better Sleep, Bigger Gains

      Did you sleep soundly last night—so good that you woke up full of energy? If not, you may be damaging...

    Steve HolmanMarch 13, 2016