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  • Weight Loss VS. Fat Loss

    It’s relatively important that you understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss. In certain cases these terms are used...

    Sharon OrtigasDecember 15, 2015
  • Another Day, Another Workout

    Today is one of those days I am absolutely not motivated to workout at all whatsoever. I just want to sit...

    Sharon OrtigasDecember 15, 2015
  • Lean Holiday Treat

    The holidays are almost here, and sweets are everywhere. If you’re like me and want to maintain a lean physique through...

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 14, 2015
  • Squat On

    There is no exercise that trains the body to the same degree as putting a heavy barbell on your back and...

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 14, 2015
  • It’s Jose All The Way

    It was an auspicious debut for Jose Velazquez and quite a comeback for Katrina McLellan at the inaugural Iron Man Naturally...

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 14, 2015
  • The Backup Plan

    When real life is screwing with your gym life, check out these options for some serious homemade gains.

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 13, 2015
  • Jeremy Buendia #WINNING

    Jeremy Buendia made history as the first repeat champion of the Mr. Olympia Men’s Physique contest.

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 12, 2015
  • The Piston Squat

    The squat is the king of leg development and power, used by bodybuilders, powerlifters, and a myriad of athletes and gym...

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 11, 2015
  • Most Valuable Supplement Pt 1

    If you have tried creatine before, it was most likely creatine monohydrate.

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 10, 2015
  • A Time of Reflection

    Today I want to take a moment and reflect. I live in Southern California. In fact, I live and work 20...

    Sharon OrtigasDecember 9, 2015
  • Extreme Training With Squats

    Variations to the mother of all exercises are the key to bigger, stronger legs

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 8, 2015
  • 80 years strong

    What a year it has been here at Iron Man magazine. It’s exactly one year ago that my wife and I...

    Binais BegovicDecember 7, 2015
  • Fitness Super Nova Tasha Star

    With a name like Tasha Star, you can only expect greatness.

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 7, 2015
  • Muscle-Building Water

    Don’t roll your eyes at the guys in the gym who carry around the gallon-sized water jugs.

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 7, 2015
  • Broad Appeal

    This unorthodox shoulder program will wake up your delts to become bigger, stronger, and healthier than ever.

    Iron Man MagazineDecember 7, 2015