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Precontest Self-Destruction

It is 7 days out from your show and you want to look your best. You might find your self listening to everyone else around you about what you should be doing the last week. All you really want is to look the best that you can the day of the show. What do you do?

This is a common scenario right before a contest for so many competitors. My suggestion is, don’t lose your nerve or your good sense and start taking advice from everyone in the gym or anyone who walks up to you and offers advice for that matter. Taking last minute advice and deviating from the devised plan has spelled competitor suicide for many athletes. It is easy to want to listen to other competitors, people, friends, and others who may be telling you what your ears want to hear. After all, it is easier to hear that you are holding a little water in your skin than it is to hear that you still have a nice layer of fat that you will have to double time off in a short period of time. Instead stick to your game plan and listen to your one coach (if you have one). In the end, you want to be able to easily identify what you did and what may have gone right and wrong. This way you can avoid similar pitfalls in the future and duplicate your successes.

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