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Prime-Time Muscle

I look forward to your over-40 bodybuilding issues, and your latest one was outstanding [May ’10]. It was wonderful to see Mia Finnegan back, but the articles I really enjoyed were the Mark Perry [“Living the Dream”] and Joe Dillon [“Look Good Naked”] interviews. Perry’s battle with kidney disease was inspirational and touching. Dillon’s physique at 60, along with his diet recommendations, were just what I needed to keep me pushing. My hat is off to IRON MAN for giving the readers what they want. Maybe you need to splinter off an over-40 version of the magazine.

Tom Paris
via Internet

Editor’s note: We appreciate the kudos—and, yes, we’ve thought about a sister publication for over-40 bodybuilders. The economy is not quite right for a new-magazine launch, but it could happen in the near future.

The Joe Dillon Difference

Joe Dillon’s eating and workout tips in the May issue really hit home for me. I’m already putting into practice what he said about bread, pasta and rice. I eat too much of those empty starches, and it’s probably the reason I have so much trouble getting lean. While a lot of what he said is common sense, it’s always good to get a review. Reminders force us to step back and look at what we’re doing. Thanks to the interview with Joe, I now realize I’ve been slipping.

Ben Sperry
via Internet

Poliquin Power

Charles Poliquin is one of your best authors. I always learn something from his column [Smart Training], and his “10X Mass Blast” article on 10×10 training was top notch. More from Poliquin, please. I’d love to see a Q&A with Steve Holman interviewing him.

Bill McMillan
Santa Fe, NM

Editor’s note: Poliquin does have the knowledge. He’s coached numerous Olympic medalists as well as pro athletes from almost every sport.

Get-Ripped Tips

I want to applaud you guys for the [“Top 5 Fat-Loss Blastoff Tips” by Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson, May ’10]. Many of those were things I didn’t know, like the way the body uses alcohol as its first choice for energy and the slow reps that can cause fat burning after you train. Putting those tips into practice is getting me leaner already. I am also not feeling so pressured to lose weight quickly. I now realize that patience will help me hold on to more muscle as I lose the fat. Really great article!

Brad Daniels
via Internet

Editor’s note: For more fat-loss information from Holman and Lawson, see their e-book X-treme Lean, available from the X-Shop at

Mia the Magnificent

All I want to say is that Mia Finnegan is fantastic. What a great role model with the perfect feminine physique. Michael Neveux’s photos of her in the interview [“Mamma Mia, Here She Goes Again,” by Ruth Silverman, May ’10] were magnificent.

Shannon Brownly
via Internet

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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