Q: Do heavy squats and deadlifts compress and damage the spine?
A: There is spinal compression, but provided your exercise technique is correct and you start out with a comfortable weight and build up gradually as your progress permits, your body will be strengthened so that it can withstand ever-increasing spinal compression without sustaining any damage. In fact, you’ll become physically tougher and more resilient as a result.
The human body is capable of astonishing increases in strength and resilience provided that the stress is built up gradually.
—Stuart McRobert
Editor’s note: Stuart McRobert’s first byline in IRON MAN appeared in 1981. He’s the author of the new BRAWN series, Book 1: How to Build Up to 50 Pounds of Muscle the Natural Way, available from Home Gym Warehouse (800) 447-0008 or www.Home-Gym.com.
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