Everyone knows that alcohol is packed with calories. Even a couple Grey Goose and sodas with lime, which average only about 100 calories each, can derail your physique goals. That’s because the potential caloric damage you do when you have your buzz on dwarfs the calories that are in the actual drink. A new study published in the journal Obesity examined the brain’s role in mediating caloric intake following alcohol consumption. A group of women were given alcohol intravenously (in order to circumvent the digestive system), while another group was given a placebo. The subjects who were exposed to alcohol ate more food at their next meal than those who did not imbibe. What’s more, researchers using functional MRI scans found that the women with alcohol in their system experienced greater brain activity when exposed to food aromas. Scientists have dubbed this the “apéritif effect” and concluded that the hypothalamus plays a complex role in the relationship between alcohol and food cues. Forget the occasional Captain and Diet Coke. If you’re dieting, it’s best to stay away from alcohol completely.
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