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Remember Fanny Packs?

7309-prime2Back in the day a fanny pack was a waist belt with a pouch on it to hold your stuff when you were active. Great for guys who didn’t want to carry a purse. Yes, it was a belt with a big bulge that soon became outdated. Now, the 1980s carryall has been updated.

Meet the FlipBelt.

It’s a stretchy waistband—a flat tube, really— with a slit on the inside so you can keep your smart phone, keys and other small necessities out of the way when you train, run, hike or whatever.

You simply flip the belt so the slit is on the outside and slip in your valuables—don’t forget to plug in your earphones if you’re going to listen to music. Then you flip it back so the slit is on the inside and—bam!—everything is safe, concealed and out of your way.

The FlipBelt comes in a variety of colors and sizes and costs less than $30. Ingenious. My daughters love theirs, and I’m getting a black one. I’m tired of my belt-clipped phone pouch flopping around and coming open as I run—and I refuse to dig out my old fanny pack. It’s so not cool, even for us older guys.

For more info and to order, visit

—Steve Holman

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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