IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #878:
Rip Up and Grow With the Flow: Hormone-Zone Muscle Training
Rip Up and Grow With the Flow: Hormone-Zone Muscle Training
Q: In Xtreme Lean you have the “High-Definition Workout” (pages 76-78), and you say to use it five days a week. I don’t think I’ve seen you recommend that many workouts in a row. What’s the reason [for five consecutive days of training]?
A: After training for photo shoots for 10 years off and on, we realized that one of the keys to getting lean is keeping testosterone, GH and other anabolic, fat-buring hormones up as high as possible.
How do you do that? With FREQUENT weight training and/or high-intensity interval training, which simulates weight workouts (short all-out effort alternated with brief rests).
Arnold knew that too. When he was ripping up for a contest, he trained with weights six days a week, sometimes twice a day. And he did zero cardio other than walking on the beach.
Yes, he was using steroids; however, that’s why we pull it back to training with weights five days a week, once a day. Doing that for six weeks or so during a ripping phase keeps all the key muscle-building and fat-burning hormones surging.
The High-Definition Workout is a 3-way split that you stay on for five days, then pick up with the next workout in the sequence the following Monday and continue for five more days. Simple.
You can do that with your current workout or any of our 3-way or 4-way split programs. Keep workouts to about an hour at most.
Or if you’re into training each bodypart once a week, divide the High-Def workout–or your current program–over five days.
And as with the High-Def Workout, also combine heavier compound exercises with some higher-rep “isolation” sets. Why?
That combo will boost testosterone and growth hormone, respectively–and simultaneously. We also include some strategically placed drop sets for a fat-to-muscle effect…
It works fast, but you also have to follow proper diet protocols, like gradually reducing carb intake and/or increasing activity. Our diets are listed in Xtreme Lean as examples, but you’ll need to tailor to your specific metabolism, activity levels, etc. Ours worked for us, but they differed from each other.
Oh, and a bit of preworkout caffeine can also help you get Xtreme lean.
Low-Price Deal: The best-selling Xtreme Lean ebook is ONLY $9.99. Chapters include: Eat More, Lose Fat; No Carb, Low Carb or Slow Carb?; X-citing Transformations; Cheat Your Way to Leanness; X-treme Lean Diets; Feminine Exploits; X-treme Lean Training; and an extensive Q&A. Check it out HERE.
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
–Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Newest Release:
The 4X Mass Workout 2.0. We’ve reloaded this best-selling muscle-building e-book with the new tension-overload method, quick high-rep 3X sequences that trigger ultimate mass. How? It pushes the growth threshold into the high-end of hypertrophic tension time (60 to 90 seconds)–something most bodybuilders never get. Plus, you trigger a growth explosion with the new 9-week phase-training Itinerary that has you hitting a different 4X and tension-overload workout every 2 weeks. Change to gain BIG! Go HERE
The Super-Size Crash Course is our latest and most exciting e-book yet. It includes Jordon Williamson’s 18-pounds-of-muscle-in 12-weeks program plus alternate workouts (moderate-weight for older trainees). Also includes the new Progressive-Speed 4X mass method and Steve’s radical new 2-Days-On, Muscle-Up, Fat-Gone Diet. Add it to your mass-building library today. More infoGo HERE
The Power-Density Mass Workout 2.0. New chapters and workouts, including an interview with Mr. America Doug Brignole on his unique high-rep mass method–and we’ve included his complete workout with what we call Super TORQ: Only one exercise per muscle with a 50-40-30-20-10 sequence. We also outline 2 more new programs, OUR Super TORQ routine, based on Doug’s but tweaked with a few standard sets, and a Power-Density version that has Super TORQ at one workout and heavy full-range Positions-of-Flexion training at the next. Only $12, Go HERE
To follow the ITRC training program in “Train, Eat, Grow,” get a copy of the latest issue of IRON MAN.
This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team
The ITRC Training Newsletter is not intended as training advice for everyone. You must consult your physician before beginning any diet or training program. You may forward this email to as many friends as you want, but do not photocopy or reprint this report in any format without the written permission of the copyright holder.
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