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Secrets for Cutting Belly Fat

www.ironmanmagazine.comQ: Got any secrets for cutting belly fat? I think I have a good workout with multijoint exercises and short rest intervals, but I’d like to know any additional nutritional tips that can help me lose belly fat.

A: Here are 10 tips that will help:

1) Always eat breakfast—opt for a high-protein, low-glycemic meal. Think “meat and nuts.”

2) Eliminate all processed foods from your diet—don’t eat them, ever!

3) Don’t avoid fat—just be sure to eat smart fats such as those found in fish and wild meats, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados and nuts.

4) Eliminate all sugar and all sweeteners: cane sugar, agave, maple syrup—all of it.

5) Consider eliminating gluten, wheat and other grains to support insulin health.

6) Make sure you get adequate fiber—shoot for at least 25 grams a day. Low fiber intake leads to poorer insulin health and more belly fat gain.

7) Get adequate sleep. If rest is a problem, opt for an early-to-bed, early-to-rise sleep schedule because that has been linked to better body composition.

8) Take magnesium to calm the body and decrease cortisol.

9) Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to detoxify the body (about three liters a day for most adult men).

10) Eliminate alcohol, juice, soda and sports drinks. Stick with water, tea or coffee.


Editor’s note: Charles Poliquin is recognized as one of the world’s most suc-cessful strength coaches, having coached Olympic med-alists in 12 different sports, including the U.S. women’s track-and-field team for the 2000 Olympics. He’s spent years researching European journals (he’s fluent in English, French and German) and speaking with other coaches and scientists in his quest to optimize training methods. For more on his books, seminars and methods, visit   IM

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