This morning I had a client cancel and was able to do my “split” leg workout. By the time I finished my 9am client, got my workout drink mixed, got changed and got my gear together I had 40 minutes to do my super-heavy squat workout. This workout consisted of half-squats and “just above” parallel squats in the power rack. I’m still trying to get used to the feel of really heavy weights on my back, but I’m definitely improving weekly on these squats. During the execution of both exercises I was feeling more strain in my back than in my legs. But, as I performed the reps I concentrated on perfect technique and contracting my quads hard on the way up. Within 10 minutes after I finished I was really feeling the fatigue in my vastus lateralis…..exactly what I need! Three hours later I was at Gold’s for the rest of my leg workout. I wanted to do my deep squats first, but all of the squat racks were taken. I thought I would warm up with leg presses until a squat rack opened up, but every time somebody left, someone else stepped in the rack before I could finish my current set of leg presses. I ended up going very heavy on leg presses (up to 810 lbs). I felt very good about being able to go this heavy after the heavy squat workout in the morning. After leg presses I did super-deep squats and was definitely feeling the fatigue. By the time I finished squatting and doing leg curls I was totally out of gas, but cranked out a couple sets of leg extensions for good measure.
Heavy Squat workout (10:20am):
Half-squats 135X10, 225X10, 275X5, 315X5, 365X5, 405X5, 435X5, 455X5
Just above parallel squats 315X5, 365X5, 385X5
Regular Leg workout (2:45):
Leg press 10 sets 20 reps
Squats 135X10, 185X10, 225X10X16X10
Single leg Leg Curls 4 sets 15, 10, 10, 10
Lying leg curls 3 sets 12, 12, 10
Leg Extensions 2 sets 15, 20
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