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All posts tagged "Nutrition"

  • Food Facts

    Peppermint tea can help treat irritable bowel syndrome. If you have an upset stomach, try a few cups to ease your...

    LatestBecky HolmanDecember 20, 2011
  • Does D Boost T?

    If any nutrient can be referred to as a “rising star,” it’s vitamin D. In the past vitamin D was most...

    HormonesJerry BrainumDecember 19, 2011
  • Nutrition for Steroid Users

    Q: I’m from London, and I’ve done commercial modeling for three years. I haven’t gotten good results from my workouts and...

    HormonesJohn HansenDecember 17, 2011
  • Is Fish Oil Anabolic?

    The recognition that omega-3 fatty acids are good for you came about when scientists compared the diet of native Inuit people...

    LatestJerry BrainumDecember 15, 2011
  • Strawberry Sundae

    Treating your sweet tooth shouldn’t leave you feeling guilty. Healthful dessert alternatives are out there. Just beware of the false prophets!...

    Diet & RecipesTaylor MathenyDecember 14, 2011
  • Getting Back Into Bodybuilding

    Q: I’ve just gotten back into bodybuilding after taking a break—for about 25 years. Back in the day supplements were very...

    LatestDave GoodinDecember 11, 2011
  • Eat Fat, Burn Fat, and Build More Muscle

    Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know that the omega-3 fish oils—EPA and DHA—offer a number of health benefits,...

    Burn FatGeorge Redmon, Ph.D., N.D.September 26, 2011
  • Ripping Principles

    In his book The 7 Principles of Fat Burning, Eric Berg, D.C., describes the fat-burning process eloquently: “Adipose tissue is only...

    LatestBecky HolmanSeptember 24, 2011
  • Go Nuts

    So you can’t eat enough fish to get your omega-3 quota and you hate swallowing fish oil capsules. It may be...

    LatestBecky HolmanSeptember 21, 2011
  • Super Amino Ammo

    During digestion protein breaks down into amino acids. If, however, you’re trying for specific effects—like building extra muscle tissue with BCAAs—taking...

    LatestBecky HolmanSeptember 18, 2011
  • Food Facts

    Red wine helps regulate blood sugar. Compounds in it bind to cellular receptors that control the sugar content of your blood....

    LatestBecky HolmanSeptember 15, 2011
  • A Different Steroid-Related Liver Problem

    Contrary to what is often suggested in the popular media, serious side effects related to anabolic steroids are relatively rare. Side...

    HormonesJerry BrainumSeptember 12, 2011
  • Supplement Answers to Curbing Cancer

    The word cancer scares the bejesus out of most of us. People don’t like hearing it, especially when it comes out...

    LatestBecky HolmanSeptember 10, 2011
  • Cilantro-Lime Beef Tacos

    The benefits are endless when it comes to vitamin C. You can find it in fresh fruits and vegetables or simply...

    Diet & RecipesTaylor MathenySeptember 8, 2011
  • BCAAs and Life Extension

    The branched-chain amino acids consist of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAAs are often referred to as the...

    LatestJerry BrainumSeptember 5, 2011