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All posts tagged "Nutrition"

  • Food Facts

    Fish oil has a lot of heart-health benefits, but did you know it can reduce gum disease? That’s according to research...

    LatestBecky HolmanAugust 31, 2011
  • Detoxing to Lose Weight

    Q: There are a lot of books out about detoxing. Will those types of programs help me lose weight, and are...

    Burn FatCharles PoliquinAugust 29, 2011
  • Baked Sweet Potato Fries

    Burger and fries. Peanut butter and jelly. Pancakes and syrup. Great things often come in pairs but usually end up as...

    Burn FatTaylor MathenyAugust 28, 2011
  • New Studies From the ISSN

    Some studies presented at the seventh annual meeting of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, held in Clearwater, Florida, last June,...

    LatestJerry BrainumAugust 25, 2011
  • Two Ways to Build More Muscle

    If you’ve been around bodybuilding for a while, you know what cortisol is and that it can blunt or even stop...

    LatestSteve HolmanAugust 23, 2011
  • Sweet Relief

    We’ve all had the unavoidable stomach bug that puts you down and out with fun symptoms like the dry heaves. Doctors...

    LatestBecky HolmanAugust 13, 2011
  • Zinc: Your Testosterone-to-Muscle Link

    Bodybuilding is the ultimate “show me” sport—it’s about getting huge and ripped and getting noticed. In bodybuilding one maxim holds true:...

    LatestClayton SouthAugust 10, 2011
  • Detour Lean Muscle Bar

    Nutrition bar company Forward Foods, LLC, maker of the award-winning Detour bar, has now added the delicious Detour Lean Muscle Peanut...

    LatestIron Man MagazineAugust 7, 2011
  • Up Your A

    Latest information from the United States. Department of Agriculture suggests that 55 percent of Americans don’t get enough vitamin A. Most...

    LatestBecky HolmanAugust 4, 2011
  • Hornets, Horniness and Hardness

    Hornet larvae amino acids. I’m sure you’ve heard the trade name VAAM—it stands for Vespa Amino Acid Mixture. Packaged in liquid...

    LatestJose Antonio, Ph.D.August 1, 2011
  • Fruit vs. HFCS

    Thanks to all of the bad news about high-fructose corn syrup, fructose, the sugar in fruit, has gotten a bad rep...

    LatestBecky HolmanJuly 29, 2011
  • Preworkout Punch

    Feeling listless before a workout? Thinking about skipping the gym? Peel and eat an orange. According to the January ’11 Prevention,...

    LatestBecky HolmanJuly 26, 2011
  • Bark Away Biting Aches

    If you have a problem—philosophical or physical—with over-the-counter pain-management drugs, you may want to try a natural pain reliever: willow bark....

    LatestBecky HolmanJuly 25, 2011
  • More Cancer Answers

    The more we learn about cancer, the more we realize that its threat to health is triggered by a weak immune...

    LatestBecky HolmanJuly 23, 2011
  • Nutrition for Beginning Bodybuilders

    Q: You’re a great inspiration and my new role model. I’m 16, and I’ve been wanting to bulk up for two...

    Burn FatJohn HansenJuly 20, 2011