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All posts tagged "Nutrition"

  • Just the Flax?

    A lot of bodybuilders believe they’re getting all the good omega-3 fatty acids they need from flaxseed. Many take it in...

    LatestButch LebowitzDecember 8, 2010
  • Liquid Levity

    According to research out of Tufts University, not drinking enough water can make you more confused and irritable. The debilitating-dehydration effect...

    LatestBecky HolmanDecember 6, 2010
  • Whey Protein and Appetite

    In recent years whey protein has emerged as the premier protein supplement for triggering gains in muscle size and strength. What...

    LatestJerry BrainumDecember 5, 2010
  • Hormone-Replacement Therapy

    Q: My training partner and I are both turning 52 in the fall of this year. He went to the doctor,...

    HormonesDave GoodinDecember 3, 2010
  • Precontest Anabolics

    When carbs are reduced, it’s a good idea to increase fats as a source of calories that will help prevent catabolism...

    LatestJerry BrainumNovember 29, 2010
  • D-rail D-pression

    If you don’t get out in the sun often, take vitamin D supplements, at least 2,000 international units per day. And...

    Diet & RecipesBecky HolmanNovember 26, 2010
  • Sugar Shocker

    When someone tells you that all sugar is created equal, don’t believe it. Consider this statement from Richard Johnson, professor of...

    LatestBecky HolmanNovember 23, 2010
  • Have You Had Your Pond Scum Today?

    You may already know that spirulina is a blue-green algae often seen floating on the top of lakes, where it’s referred...

    LatestJerry BrainumNovember 19, 2010
  • Food Facts

    Cocoa can significantly reduce inflammatory biomarkers related to hardening of the arteries. That’s due to its flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties....

    LatestBecky HolmanNovember 16, 2010
  • Whey, Milk, Insulin and Sleep

    A recent nutrition item on milk by Jerry Brainum (“Milk, Estrogen, IGF-1 and Insulin,” August ’09) got me thinking. When people...

    LatestButch LebowitzNovember 13, 2010
  • A New Anticatabolic Supplement

    The ideal metabolic scenario for gaining muscle size and strength is to have the amount of muscle protein synthesis exceed that...

    LatestJerry BrainumNovember 10, 2010
  • Steroids and Blood Pressure

    Most medical texts that discuss the side effects of anabolic steroids suggest that the reason they may increase blood pressure is...

    HormonesJerry BrainumNovember 7, 2010
  • More Cancer Answers

    New studies suggest that the so-called nonessential amino acid glutamine may be a potent cancer therapy because of its ability to...

    LatestBecky HolmanNovember 3, 2010
  • Science Is Not Infallible

    Without thinking that through, your first impulse might be to conclude that a high-fat diet will interfere with gains made through...

    Burn FatJerry BrainumOctober 31, 2010
  • Egg-cellent Protein for Muscle and Health

    We know that egg yolk contains two very important carotenoids—lutein and zeaxanthin—both of which have been shown to be great for...

    Burn FatJose Antonio, Ph.D.October 28, 2010