All posts tagged "Nutrition"
3 Steps to Accelerate Muscle Mass
Yes it’s possible to stimulate testosterone, growth hormone and insulin to stimulate muscle growth with nutrition, training and supplementation. The challenge...
Blog PostDavid YoungOctober 26, 2010 -
Lube Up to Keep Repping
Older athletes often complain of joint pain after intense workouts, and some of those aches could be from mild-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis....
LatestBecky HolmanOctober 25, 2010 -
Pain-Free With Pepper
Many people suffer from migraine headaches, whether from food allergies, stress or overexertion. One proven remedy for many is cayenne pepper,...
LatestBecky HolmanOctober 22, 2010 -
Jack Up Your Gains
In his excellent e-book Natural Anabolics, Jerry Brainum discusses the studies that show an herb grown in the Malaysian rain forest,...
HormonesButch LebowitzOctober 19, 2010 -
Food Facts
Shrimp can build muscle. A five-ounce serving—no sauce or coating—has just 83 calories and one gram of fat, less than one-third...
LatestBecky HolmanOctober 16, 2010 -
New Creatine Research
As creatine’s popularity rose, investigators examined the best ways to use it in terms of uptake and absorption into the body....
LatestJerry BrainumOctober 13, 2010 -
Pick Your Protein Wisely
A large body of emerging data also suggest that taking casein throughout the day is of great benefit as well, as...
LatestGeorge Redmon, Ph.D., N.D.October 10, 2010 -
Growth Hormone: Fact vs. Fiction
IGF-1 is considered the major anabolic effector of GH, and its measurement in the blood is an indicator of GH activity....
HormonesJerry BrainumOctober 7, 2010 -
Cocoa Compounds Boost Blood Flow to Muscles
Studies support the cardiovascular benefits of taking in cocoa flavonols.
NutritionRobert Goldman MD, PhDSeptember 28, 2010 -
New Protein-Timing Research
Most bodybuilders are familiar with the extensive findings concerning the anabolic effects of downing a protein-and-carb combination prior to, just after...
NutritionJerry BrainumSeptember 25, 2010 -
Magic Mushrooms
If you’re looking for something to give your salads a healthier punch, try mushrooms. A study published in the Journal of...
Diet & RecipesBecky HolmanSeptember 22, 2010 -
Protein: The Most Important Nutrient
In perhaps a more intriguing study, scientists looked at the effects of a high-protein vs. a high-carbohydrate diet on performance during...
NutritionJose Antonio, Ph.D.September 19, 2010 -
Synergistic Supplements
Lifting weights can eventually produce joint pain. The wear and tear of repping with heavy weights takes a toll, but two...
NutritionBecky HolmanSeptember 16, 2010 -
Gut Away With HCA
Hydroxycitric acid is an extract from the Garcinia cambogia fruit, and it’s been touted as a fat-loss aid. Researchers tested it...
Burn FatBecky HolmanSeptember 13, 2010 -
Ribose-ize to Energize
While creatine has been the supplement of choice for supercharging muscle energetics, ribose appears to be a close second. It has...
NutritionBecky HolmanSeptember 10, 2010