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All posts tagged "Nutrition"

  • Protein and Carbs During Training

    The authors suggest that the mechanism may involve an enabling of the muscle protein synthesis pathway, which makes sense because amino...

    NutritionJerry BrainumJune 23, 2009
  • Peptides—the Next Super Supplement?

    Peptides are a collection of amino acids strung together. Put two together, and you have a dipeptide; put three together, and...

    NutritionJose Antonio, Ph.D.June 20, 2009

    It’s a vicious circle, as the more fat you put on, the hungrier you get. There’s one more reason to...

    Diet & RecipesBecky HolmanJune 17, 2009
  • Food Facts

      Macadamia nuts can help lower cholesterol. Research from Pennsylvania State University showed that eating about a handful a day reduced...

    NutritionBecky HolmanJune 14, 2009
  • Minerals and Mood

    The main point of the study, however, is that a higher potassium and magnesium intake, coupled with a lower sodium intake,...

    NutritionJerry BrainumJune 11, 2009
  • Best Creatine-Loading Method

    In their zeal to label commonly used bodybuilding supplements as potentially toxic, the physicians conducting the study conveniently sidestepped the steroid...

    NutritionJerry BrainumJune 8, 2009
  • Fiber Facts

    A lot of people believe that eating fiber with a meal helps block the absorption of fat. That’s true but only...

    NutritionBecky HolmanJune 5, 2009
  • Big and Ripped

    The branched-chain amino acid L-leucine is the most important of the BCAAs for muscle growth. Research shows that taking even small...

    NutritionBecky HolmanJune 2, 2009
  • Food Facts

    Apples can help protect you from colon cancer. Research suggests that when the fiber in apples ferments during digestion, it produces...

    NutritionBecky HolmanMay 30, 2009
  • Hydration Innovation

    A study reported in the British Journal of Nutrition determined that milk hydrates a body good—even better than water. Subjects depleted...

    NutritionBecky HolmanMay 27, 2009
  • Repping With D-Ribose

    There’s been conflicting research on D-ribose, a sugar that’s part of ATP. Your muscles use ATP to fire out reps, so...

    NutritionBecky HolmanMay 27, 2009
  • Food Facts

    Tea can help fight cancer. Researchers at the University of Mississippi Medical Center gave water mixed with green tea EGCG to...

    NutritionBecky HolmanMay 24, 2009
  • Hirsute Herb

    Recent research suggests that saw palmetto is an herb that may help treat baldness. In a study reported in the April...

    NutritionBecky HolmanMay 21, 2009
  • Cortisol Down, Muscle Up

    Most bodybuilders know that the stress hormone cortisol can slow, stop or reverse muscle gains. It causes the body to use...

    NutritionBecky HolmanMay 18, 2009
  • High Hopes

    Scientists are calling on the government to increase the recommended daily intake of vitamin D to 2,000 international units.

    NutritionRobert Goldman MD, PhDMay 15, 2009