All posts tagged "Nutrition"
Product Spotlight: Beast Mode by Beast Nutrition
Beast Mode Black isn’t your average pre-workout supplement. Many pre-workout products are formulated with a mountain of caffeine mixed with some arginine,...
Burn FatIron Man MagazineSeptember 5, 2016 -
Training Intensity vs Training Volume
ABT- Athletic Based Training: Training Intensity vs Training Volume One of the most common question that we get is “What’s more...
LatestSharon OrtigasJune 21, 2016 -
Transform your fat
Fish oil provides tremendous health benefits from improving mood to battling dry skin but most of us take it for its...
AdviceIron Man MagazineJune 4, 2016 -
Chew Yourself Shredded
Here is a fitness hack for you: If you’re dieting, chew gum during the day in order to stuff fewer calories...
AdviceIron Man MagazineJune 3, 2016 -
Green Tea Timing
Epigallocatechin gallate, better known as EGCG, is the potent antioxidant found in green tea that is often extracted and used in...
AdviceIron Man MagazineJune 1, 2016 -
It’s Almost Summer Time, Are You Ready?
It’s Almost Summer Time, Are You Ready? That’s the question that 99% of us are asking on a daily basis. The...
LatestSharon OrtigasMay 27, 2016 -
Man up!
If your goal is to have ripped abs, a muscular body, and long-lasting sex, then your total testosterone levels should be...
AdviceIron Man MagazineMay 25, 2016 -
Liquid Creatine Conundrum
Years ago, one of the biggest supplement scams was a ready-to-drink creatine serum. This was before it was widely known that...
LatestIron Man MagazineMay 24, 2016 -
Urban Treasures
People often look at fruit trees found in dense urban areas and assume its of offerings are nutritionally bankrupt, made up...
Diet & RecipesIron Man MagazineMay 22, 2016 -
Venti Decaf Hunger-Buster
Caffeine has typically been given credit for the way coffee smashes a case of the munchies, but new research shows that...
AdviceIron Man MagazineMay 21, 2016 -
The Steaks Are High
Grass-fed beef has undeniable value for the physique athlete. One thing that is often overlooked within the world of fitness is...
AdviceIron Man MagazineMay 18, 2016 -
Evening Carb Idea
Just when you think you have carbs all figured out, more information comes to light. Conventional wis-dom has recommended tapering carb...
Burn FatIron Man MagazineMay 18, 2016 -
The Wonder Brassica
Everyone is waiting for stem cells to advance to the point where we can take an injection and suddenly have the midsection of...
AdviceIron Man MagazineApril 24, 2016 -
Sugar: The Anti- brain food
We all know sugar is bad for your gut, but it’s not doing your brain any favors either. Information recently published in the Journal of...
AdviceIron Man MagazineApril 19, 2016 -
Orange is the new sexy
Psychologists at the University of Nottingham in Malaysia have found that “beauty smoothies” made of carrots, orange juice, and other sources...
AdviceIron Man MagazineApril 17, 2016