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The New Brawn Series: Book 1

www.ironmanmagazine.comStuart McRobert’s new book is really a tribute to the founder of this magazine, Peary Rader—even though it’s really a solid size-building guide. If you’re interested in packing on up to 50 pounds of muscle the natural way, The New Brawn Series: Book 1 is a must-read.

In the first few pages McRobert retells the story of how Rader was very frustrated with his muscle gains for 12 years. Then he came across the 20-rep-squat routine espoused by Joseph Curtis Hise. With that system he managed to gain 10 pounds—in only one month! The following two years he added 75 more pounds to his frame, and that gave him the foundation of muscle and strength to enable Peary to win the heavyweight Olympic lifting title in the Midwestern division of the USA for eight years.

Peary’s gains occurred long before steroids—he packed on pounds the natural way through a proven system that has worked for many, many trainees over multiple decades. As McRobert says, “What worked  for him back then can work for you right now. Human physiology hasn’t changed.”

While the training routine is not complicated, McRobert is very thorough in his explanation of every exercise, how to get the best from progressive resistance, warming up, mind-set and program variations. It is a large-format book with more than 200 pages. Once you read it, you’ll know how it works, why it works and what to work to make it work for you. He includes plenty of exercise photos and descriptions so you get it exactly right—and grow like crazy!

If you’re looking for a proven muscle-building program, this will be your new go-to mass cookbook. Add it to your bodybuilding library today, and start growing. It’s available at


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